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Anyone Notice the "Smoke-Free" Ads?

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Anyone Notice the "Smoke-Free" Ads?
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:58:52 AM »
Anyone Notice how more & more people are listing furniture on Craigslist from "smoke-fee" & "pet-free" homes?  :o

 It seemed like a few years ago I would only see that description on about 10% of the furniture listings, now it's getting up to 30%-40% of furniture listings.

So did that many families stop smoking & no longer have pets?

Anyone feel like this hurts your sales if you can't promise "smoke-free" & "pet-free"?

I'm going to start listing "people-free" for months or years since it's been in storage!  ;)

Re: Anyone Notice the "Smoke-Free" Ads?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 12:43:28 PM »
just for giggles last year i put in a couple of my furniture ads that i had pets , the pets smoked , and my helper monkey got into my viagra and humped everything in the house . If your allergic to pet hair smoke or monkey lovin you should move onto someone elses ad . i sold everything and rather quickly , go figure

Offline Travis

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Re: Anyone Notice the "Smoke-Free" Ads?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 04:27:25 PM »
OMG, that reminds me of what my wife did last week.  ;D

Get this. We had a older sofa & loveseat that we were trying to get rid of. We have had this thing for years and it has taken some abuse. We always told each other that it didn't make sense to replace the sofa set with something nicer until our little girl was old enough not to damage it.

So anyway, we decided that now was the time to upgrade and the first task was to get rid of the old eyesores in our living room. It took about two weeks and 3 price reductions, but I finally found a victim on Craigslist to take them off my hands. So here's what my wife does.

She invites the lady and her 2 friends inside to look at them and the lady wants to buy them. So, I'm outside talking to the lady and my wife comes out and says "you wouldn't believe all of the crap I found in that sofa." "When I lifted those cushions up, that thing was dirty as hell. I found Bingo's (our weiner dog) hair, a bunch of chewed up toys and bones and even a pair of Grace's (our daughter) underwear."  :-[  I can't believe the lady still bought them.

She couldn't have waited until the lady left to tell me that? She had to say it right in front of the lady? If my wife were any slower, she'd be walking backwards.

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Re: Anyone Notice the "Smoke-Free" Ads?
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2013, 04:55:08 PM »
If my wife were any slower, she'd be walking backwards.

Careful bud, if your wife was any quicker she might not be your wife! :D

Re: Anyone Notice the "Smoke-Free" Ads?
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2013, 08:59:44 PM »
I probably would have passed on buying that if I found wiener hair in it.............. :P

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