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Are CL buyers really nuts or what?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #60 on: June 22, 2012, 04:15:28 PM »
I can't really complain about most buyers I've had the last month or so. Sold some big items for good bucks, BUT....

that said the idiots are always fun to talk about.

OK I JINXED myself. Today a fellow called about a big item and after a brief talk said he wanted it ! Address and map are in the description, but I ran it down for him anyway.

Says he'll be there at noon after a 45 mile can bet he won't be getting me down on the price since I know he has come that far !

I wait for him until 12:30 and then go home. Five minutes later he calls..."I can't find the place".  The "place" is near Hiway A and Street A.  He was looking at Hiway B and no street by the same name...and that was 7 miles away!

To top it off, he had driven about 15 miles back toward his home BEFORE HE CALLED ME !  So, he takes connecting hiway from his Hiway B location to my Hiway A location and THIS TIME I SAID..."Call me when you get to the storage unit and I will come's only a mile away".  He does that and I get there.

And now for the coup de gras....he has no legs to stand on (he's an idiot) and he comes across with the $175 for a like new Caravan Canopy!  Yes, AT LEAST it had a good ending...took 1.5 hours to do what could have happened in 10 minutes if this dimwit would have use a few grey cells.

Sorrry, just venting, but at least the money came through.  ;D

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #61 on: June 25, 2012, 09:41:33 AM »
Glad you got the sell MovieMan.

We have to be-careful about the Jinxes... Posted mine on other thread.  ;)

Offline Alias300

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #62 on: July 08, 2012, 04:21:18 PM »
Posted my weed trimmer.  Runs great but broke arm off. $40 piece.  I dint want to wait 2 week for part so went and got new one.
Didn't even want hassle of selling engine so put it under free stuff.

Just gave addy. First come, first serve. just grab from side of garage. No need to tell me.
Gave all info.  Brand, horse power, Website to get part, parts number, cost....

Couple hours later get a knock on the door nd guy is standing there with it.
Asks what's wrong with it.  Um....kinda self explainatory situation here but okay.  Explain.  Explain how to fix.
"how much do you think it will cost to fix?".  Like i wrote in Ad.  About $40.
"how much are these new?". How the f*ck should I know. It was $150 two years ago. Just got another for $99.

"well, I guess I'll take it if you throw in the gas can of gas and the bottle of oil" (they were in back ground of picture)

I didn't even respond.  I just grabbed the trimmer and shut the door.  WTF is with people?

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #63 on: July 08, 2012, 11:25:04 PM »
"well, I guess I'll take it if you throw in the gas can of gas and the bottle of oil" (they were in back ground of picture)

I didn't even respond.  I just grabbed the trimmer and shut the door.  WTF is with people?

I guess he figured you owed him for taking it off your hands! LOL

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #64 on: July 09, 2012, 10:19:34 AM »
The gas can guy is as believeable as all get out...where in the world do these people come from !

Your taking it out of his hands and closing the door was classic !

Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #65 on: July 09, 2012, 11:00:39 AM »
That was awesome!  I bet he had a funny look on his face!

What I love is when you offer up a free bed or sofa on CL, and then they want to know if you'll deliver it......for free of course! 

Offline Alias300

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #66 on: July 09, 2012, 11:42:34 AM »
I decided to pull Ad after that.
I set it out on garbage can with "FREE, engine runs great, $40 piece online to fix" sign.
It was gone within the hour.

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #67 on: July 09, 2012, 05:56:29 PM »
Think I would have hit the guy in the head with the motor......  :-\

Some people are unbelievable.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #68 on: July 10, 2012, 01:10:12 PM »
The not so nuts CL well maybe  :-\

Posted ad at 10:30 AM call at 11:00 came and just picked it up by 2:00 PM.

Took 30 minutes to load with out my help. small 4 door Honda to pick up small table and 4 chairs.  ::)

who cares money was green.  ;D

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #69 on: July 10, 2012, 01:17:03 PM »

who cares money was green.  ;D

Yep, they do stretch the limits sometimes, one way or the other. Those back seats on some little cars may fold down and give you access through the trunk, but fitting a rectangular shape into an oval hole can be a problem.

More power to them though if they get it done....and the not helping is always a smart move imo for a number of reasons.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #70 on: July 10, 2012, 05:21:18 PM »
I had a 4dr Saturn and I could fit anything in it. Trunk opened with back cut out, seats folded, back door opening was huge.  Went to a Cougar and hatch back so....
Then traded it for a 2dr Civic and even more room than cougar.
Now I got this Acura tht is suppose to be big, roomy, luxury car and can't fit a damn thing in it! 
Can't fit a chair thru rear doors!  >:(

I'm always shocked at what you can or can not fit in some cars.....

......and yes, I've owned a lot of cars in my life.   ::)

Offline Cobia

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #71 on: July 11, 2012, 07:46:02 AM »
Yep, they do stretch the limits sometimes, one way or the other. Those back seats on some little cars may fold down and give you access through the trunk, but fitting a rectangular shape into an oval hole can be a problem.

More power to them though if they get it done....and the not helping is always a smart move imo for a number of reasons.

That's why I don't like the styles of the newer SUVs. They are wider & taller towards the front and shrink like a Willie Wonka room towards the rear door/hatch. I know it's all about styling & aerodynamics, but it's a pain in the you know what when a piece of furniture will fit in the interior dimensions but won't fit through the rear door itself.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #72 on: July 11, 2012, 10:05:44 AM »
Made an appt yesterday to sell a $175 air conditioner to a guy. Told him to meet me at my storage unit a 123 "x" street and directions and map were in clist ad.

Fifteen minutes after the appointed time I'm getting ready to leave the site and he shows up..."Sorry, I went to 456 "y" street by mistake.  It wasn't a storage area with the same name as mine (not a chain) and it was 3 miles away.

Friggin' idiots are lucky they find their way to anywhere. BUT I can't complain about the color of his full tilt purchase money !   ;D

Offline Alias300

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #73 on: July 11, 2012, 12:42:17 PM »
That's why I don't like the styles of the newer SUVs. They are wider & taller towards the front and shrink like a Willie Wonka room towards the rear door/hatch.

Ain't that the truth.
Sister needed more car for growing family and told her I was happy with the Chevy equinox.  3rd row when up still give you cargo room. Lots of leg room for all.....

She went with the ford expedition.   Way more room....where you don't need it.  Front and middle seats have SO much leg room and can barely touch roof.....
But 3rd row down has les cargo than mid size Chevy crossover and when 3rd row is up....about 8inches from seat to hatch.   Rig has great passenger room, just no cargo space.

Still a nice ride tho.....

Maybe you should switch facilities.   Seems like your always b*tching about waiting for people that get lost finding you.....      lol.    ;D

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Are CL buyers really nuts or what?
« Reply #74 on: July 11, 2012, 02:44:35 PM »

Maybe you should switch facilities.   Seems like your always b*tching about waiting for people that get lost finding you.....      lol.    ;D

Nope, it's 1 mile from my home and 1/4 block off the freeway exit. As a person goes down the ramp to the intersection, if they look to the right they can see the back wall and roofs of the facility. Make two right turns and they are at the gate.

Add to that the fact that I include a PICTURE MAP of the location and the only logical conclusion is that even though these people can look something up on Clist, they can't (or won't) READ.

And of course it's not all of them...only the STUPID ones are that memorable.  ::)

CL Sellers are nuts too.....

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