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Barter stories

Barter stories
« on: October 02, 2012, 10:48:14 PM »
Out of you guys who barter what's the craziest thing you have traded or traded for? I'm not into bartering unless I can make a fast sell but some guy offered me a black angus bull calf for a set of Dewalt power tools. It kinda blew my mind quite a bit tbh.

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Re: Barter stories
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 07:30:00 AM »
Thats a great story/barter. Unfortunately for me, not much bartering going on. Most of the offers I get are rediculously in the favor of the other person. Most of the people I have dealt with seem to be obviously trying to upsell with their barter offers, and not trade one item for another of EQUAL value.

Usually I am selling furniture in the $150 - $500 range and I get offers to trade my furniture for things like, used cell phones, 5 year old digital cameras, used playstations-xboxs, used wal-mart bicycles, etc.

On what planet is any of these above mentioned things worth even close to $150 -$500??

Now if someone offered my a baby black Angus bull, I would have to consider that one!

Re: Barter stories
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2012, 12:27:52 PM »
Yeah most of my offers were lowball as welleii,psp, generator and baseball cards but I'm rly thinking of trying to flip for the bull

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Re: Barter stories
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2012, 06:25:41 AM »
Think I would have to take the calf too.

We don't really barter either. The usual stuff we get offered is because you can't sell it.

Did trade some rabbits for a goat. Cost of rabbits about $30 if I sold them, average cost of a goat is $50 and up. The trade with a neighbor so not really a true barter... LOL  And have to wait on the goat.

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