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Best Craigslist ad ever

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Re: Best Craigslist ad ever
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 11:20:41 PM »
Funny. You almost have to be that guy to prevent idiots from responding to your ads.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Best Craigslist ad ever
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 10:19:53 AM »
yeah thats a great article, very witty. i get wherehe's comming from. i was selling a beatup geo tracker a few months back. i was selling it for $600. it ran and drove and only had 78k but alot of rust, was what you would expect for $600. heck actually pretty much anything that is driveable you can get over a grand for but i wanted a quick sale.

i get all these clowns comming to look at it telling me they are going to have to cut the rust off, do all this bondo, do all this work on it. right in the ad i said great car for a college kid, someone needing to get to work, for $600 it should get you around for a year, just drive it into the ground.

i get guys comming acting like they wanna do some pimp my ride stuff to do. im like look man its a beater, you drive it as is it should last 6 months at the least maybe a year and be happy you got to drive a car for a year for $600 which is pretty darn good.

Re: Best Craigslist ad ever
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 10:59:32 AM »
i get all these clowns comming to look at it telling me they are going to have to cut the rust off, do all this bondo, do all this work on it.

I agree; Its like they think you don't notice the problems and hadn't considered those when pricing it. I think its especially funny when they are talking about doing stuff that costs thousands more than the car is even worth in excellent condition. Duh thats why it is only $600

I recently sold my Grand Caravan, it had a few dents and dings which I took into consideration when pricing it. The guy who bought asks me to go lower because he will have to take out the dents and dings, I mean come on its a 9 year old minivan, are you really going to repair those dents and dings.


Re: Best Craigslist ad ever
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2013, 11:11:59 AM »
It's crazy how even though you're giving a completely fair deal, someone will always try to talk it down. What I would have said to that guy is, "Listen, you're not going to put work INTO it to make it a $600 car. That's where it is now. The work you're putting into it is going to RAISE THE VALUE of the car."

What I put on Craigslist.

Started by Travis

12 Replies
Last post August 15, 2011, 08:50:25 PM
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Thank you Craigslist.....

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Last post June 26, 2014, 08:26:03 PM
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Do you put a map in your Craigslist ad?

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