Storage Auctions

Business for sale on Craigslist

Offline Travis

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Re: Business for sale on Craigslist
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2014, 09:21:55 PM »
there is flat out something fishy about this whole offer. you are making approximately $70 per hour running this thing and are willing to sell it for a pittance. If you have actual numbers showing 70K in profit yearly you will have no problem selling this business for 350-700k. Or is the 70k estimated and youve only been open a few weeks/months? I'm just confused i guess

No, it's a legitimate business with years of strong financials. I'm just at a point where I need to devote my full attention to this site.

Most websites actually sell for 2-3 times earnings. It takes a really special website to surpass that. 

Re: Business for sale on Craigslist
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2014, 08:04:27 AM »
right, and i don't mean to offend travis(seriously) but if you're making that much money for that little amount of work, you can't sell for as little as $150k. I mean seriously if this is something that can easily be teached hire someone for 10 or $15 an hour and STILL make $50k a year doing nothing. I just don't understand i guess.

Offline Travis

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Re: Business for sale on Craigslist
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2014, 10:28:02 AM »
right, and i don't mean to offend travis(seriously) but if you're making that much money for that little amount of work, you can't sell for as little as $150k. I mean seriously if this is something that can easily be teached hire someone for 10 or $15 an hour and STILL make $50k a year doing nothing. I just don't understand i guess.

No offense taken. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm still up in the air on what I'm going to do here. My main reason for putting the site up for sale is time. My other motivator is cash flow. OSA needs money to grow. Running a site like this is expensive and the more successful we become, the more expenses we have.

And yes, I've thought about training someone to run the business for me, but concerns over quality have prevented me from doing so. By doing the schedules myself, I know they're being done the right way. Plus, if an employee decided quit near a deadline and we weren't able to publish the schedules on time, it could really cripple the business. I've always felt that if I'm going to turn the reins over to someone else, they need to be pot committed. If their money is on the line, they're more likely to deliver a quality product.

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