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Some Tips for Listing on cList

Offline MovieMan

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Some Tips for Listing on cList
« on: May 02, 2013, 08:40:35 PM »
We "all" do items on cList, but if you're just beginning to do it, maybe this article with some
suggestions will be of help.

Re: Some Tips for Listing on cList
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2013, 07:59:03 PM »
Here's a tip for those of us listing on CL...

Insert this HTML into your listing..

<a href ="http://raleigh.c h/?areaID=36&subArea ID=&query= 43541351819163P648105&catAbb =sss"> Click here to see what else I'm selling on craigslist![/url]

There's random spaces to break up the code so that we can see it.

The long number/letter combo after the query= is listed below. I post this on my listings. You can make up your own and replace it.


Gives customers a quick way to view all your items, creating a CL store of sorts..

Of course, you'll want to change your http:// to your local CL URL. To find this, do a search for anything and copy the URL. Replace your search term with your number/letter combo.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Some Tips for Listing on cList
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2013, 08:16:33 PM »
Or if you place a phone number in Ad #1 and you use it in your other dozen or whatever listings, just tell them to do a search on your phone number within cList. That will pop up all your listings.

If they use the "grid" view they'll see photos of each of your item and they can click on the one they want. That is IF you use the cList photo approach. I do that and HTML my own larger pics in within the text of the ad. With the grid view they get a nice visual approach to your listings without having to click on each one.


To those who don't want to list a phone number: You could use a phone number you don't use very much if you are concerned about problems with using a phone number. I have been using my approach with my home number for 9 years and haven't had any problems. My home phone has an answering machine on it and usually calls go to that. That results in them leaving a number of course and I call them back.

One cLister in my area goes to elaborate lengths when posting his phone number (I guess to avoid the problems I have never had.) If his phone number was 555-4673 he will put "call 5 five five - 4 six 7 three" in one listing and maybe a variation on that like "call five 5 5- four 6 seven 3" in another listing. Talk about paranoia!

I turn off (with radio button in listing) the opportunity for them to use email to respond to the ad. This eliminates spammers.

Works for me. May not suit you. That's why choices are great.

Yep, your approach make it look like the "check my other items on eBay". Works good.
I see the Erector sets are slowly going down in price. Hell, I'll pay you $5 just to donate the monkey to Goodwill !

Offline alloro

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Re: Some Tips for Listing on cList
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2013, 09:19:58 PM »
To those who don't want to list a phone number:

You can just make up a code too like ST6975557240, and then list that code in each of your ads for them to search. Of course do a Google search on the code first to make sure it doesn't cross to something else like Bart's House of Porn or something like that.

Re: Some Tips for Listing on cList
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2013, 10:06:30 PM »
While you're both correct, you could tell people to search for those items in your ad.. But the HTML creates a link for them to click to view your products..

I'm all about making it as easy as possible! Because we all know that many out there wouldn't search for your items.. You know, because it's sooooooo hard to scroll up and copy/paste a code into the search field.  ::)

Offline alloro

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Re: Some Tips for Listing on cList
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2013, 10:52:01 PM »
it's sooooooo hard to scroll up and copy/paste a code into the search field. 

Especially if you don't have a wheel mouse. :(

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Some Tips for Listing on cList
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2013, 10:08:20 AM »
Not much posting going on in any of the threads here at the forum, so I decided to try HGPs html for the "click on me" link to items for sale.

I used a slightly different approach in the ahref part itself, but still the same idea. Additionally, I put something above and below the link as shown below:

...<center><font color="blue" size="3">
To see all the items I have for sale, just click on the link below. Once you get there click on the GRID VIEW button
to see a nice visual display of the items I have for sale and you can click on the ones you're interested in.
Usually there will be a half dozen items or more.</font></center>

(the ahref statement goes here)

.....<center><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="red" size="5">
Don't now !</font>

You can insert ...bracket br ... or ...<p>... statements in the larger text area to break it up the way you want. Hard to
represent it here.

Edit:  Thanks IS a good idea to account for those Clist users who aren't necessarily lazy but just don't have
the know how to cut and paste, etc.  Just one less step. Makes it look like eBay more too.

I use Clist pics (maybe 2 or 3) and THEN put html pic links in main text to give BIG pics. HOWEVER, I think I remembe seeing something from cList that they will soon be eliminating that possibility. eBay mentions this repeatedly as something to NOT do on eBay as it makes the pics less friendly on MOBILE devices.

Re: Some Tips for Listing on cList
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2013, 11:12:20 PM »

I use Clist pics (maybe 2 or 3) and THEN put html pic links in main text to give BIG pics. HOWEVER, I think I remembe seeing something from cList that they will soon be eliminating that possibility. eBay mentions this repeatedly as something to NOT do on eBay as it makes the pics less friendly on MOBILE devices.

Correct, Craigslist will eventually stop the third party links to external pics. However, the link that I've outlined previously should still work.. from what I understand.

xx dead!

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