I've got a couple of high dollar sofa sets on Craigslist right now and I'm ready to sell them. This lady called me about noon and asks me if we can meet at 6:00 PM. I was planning on visiting relatives this evening and I asked her if we could make it around 3:00 PM. She said the earliest she could make it was 6:00 PM because she was going to be tied up for a few hours then she had to go get her trailer and her house was about an hour away. I'm thinking to myself, you don't drive an hour with your trailer if you aren't going to buy, so I agreed to meet her. 6:00 PM - No Show. 7:00 PM - She calls to tell me she's running late - as if I didn't know.
About a half hour later, she is in town and ready to meet. I meet her at the storage facility and she is with 3 other people, all in their 50's. You could smell the money. So, I open the storage door and they look at the sofa set and the lady said she didn't like the way the color looked in person.

As irritating as this was, they turned their attention to an even more expensive sofa set. They haggled with me about price and got me down to my bottom dollar...so low I was almost regretting selling it. We pulled the entire set out and here comes the tire kicking. Every little thing a normal person wouldn't even notice, they had to point out. First of all, this is probably the nicest sofa set I have ever had since I have been buying storage units...I let the nitpicking go in one ear and out the other.
Anyway, after we pull everything out, her annoying friend says to her "I don't think these feel as comfortable as the other set we looked at yesterday, what do you think?" You could tell she had no opinion of her own and was easily influenced by her friend. After discussing everything with her husband, they decided not to buy them so we had to move everything back inside the storage unit. They thanked me for my time and left. I thanked them for wasting my evening.
My new rule - never inconvenience myself for a Craigslist buyer. If they're really serious about the item, they'll wait until I'm available.