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Do you barter on craigslist?

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Do you barter on craigslist?
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:49:02 AM »
Do you guys barter on craigslist at all? I love the concept and love bartering and if you find reasonable people it's a great deal for both parties as normally both of you have items that no longer interest you however are of great interest to the other person so you get a new toy or somethign you need and your really not losing out on anything.

I used to make beanbag toss games and barter them on cl. Would normally trade for tickets to sporting events. My games cost me about $14 in supplies and could normally trade for 4 tickets to a sporting event. It was a good deal as my games didn't cost me very much and mos tof the people I bartered with had season tickets throughtheir company that would have gone to waste anyway and they didn't pay for so good deal for both sides. Tickets are also easy to resell if I wanted cash or I'm a sports fan so always up to go to a game.

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Re: Do you barter on craigslist?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 11:52:19 AM »
Obviously though as this is a storage auction forum do you ever barter your storage finds?

I love doing it, its just a hassle people want to barter your good stuff for their crap.

I picked up a motorcycle a few months ago at an auction. I was looking for a flat panel tv and was willing to do an even trade so whoever had one was getting a good deal yet I didn't get any emails of people with tv's, I got a ton of emails from people saying... "here is what I have to barter"...

3 lamps
1 sony playstation controller
10" subwoofer
easton baseball glove
etc, etc, etc

people send these emails listing tons of cheap totally random stuff hoping a lot of crap will equal one good item lol.

Re: Do you barter on craigslist?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 02:56:35 PM »
I have done it once.

In one of my lockers i got a leather jacket for a female, i put it on CL for sale. Then this guy emailed me and asked if i wanted to trade the jacket for a men's Seiko watch, as he wanted to give his wife a leather jacket.

So i met up with the guy, and had the watch checked out by a friend of mine who owns his own store selling watches.
It was a real 190 dollar seiko watch so i traded the jacket for the watch.

Only reason i did that is because clothing are hard to sell, watches are easier. But i decided to keep it for my self. And i use it as my auction watch, that way i don't have to wear my other ones that cost more. After all i live in Memphis, and some area's are tuff down here. lol.  No need to stand out with a fancy 2000 dollar watch.

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Re: Do you barter on craigslist?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 03:51:46 PM »
lol, I got a 1,500 dollar watch that I wore out to auction once, was so worried about getting it damaged. But had to keep an eye on time so I can pick up my kids when school was out. Needless to say The next say I went to wal-mart and got me a $5 watch to use at auctions.

Now as far as bartering, I have yet done it. But if opportunity arises where it would be worth it, I would jump all over it.

Re: Do you barter on craigslist?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 12:46:36 AM »
I picked up a Lincoln Wire Feed Welder that way, traded some storage auction "junk" for a welder.  But, most of the time it is guys that have a bunch of small junk they think they will trade you for your good big item.  Just this morning, I had some guy want to trade me a Winchester Canadian Centennial .30-30 for a reloading set up I had listed.........but he wanted 400 cash too!  I wouldn't have paid 400 for his rifle without my reloading stuff!

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Re: Do you barter on craigslist?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2011, 06:39:43 AM »
I've been approached about it, but 9.9 times out of ten, they want to trade 5 or 6 items for my one item.

Now instead of trying to sell ONE good item for $xx I have to store, advertise or carry around 5 or 6 items.

No thanks.

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Re: Do you barter on craigslist?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 06:40:42 PM »
I love the concept of bartering as your getting something of value and something you want and probably giving up an item you are almost ready to throw away or sell for pennies on the dollar anyway.

I think my beanbag game is a good example cost to me $14, however at the time for someone to go out and buy a game of equal quality would be anywhere from $75-$150 depending on design, paint, etc.

The people who gave me tickets either weren't going to the game and were going to lose them or they were company tickets and didn't cost them a cent so we both got high dollar nice things we wanted without really giving up anything.

Problem is with how people treat bartering which is illustrated by moviemans example.

You gotta deal with a lot of stupid emails offering you lamps and an outdated laptop for a car or motorcycle but you can make some great deals.

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