I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not, but clothes, especially baby/kids clothes and handbags do really well on facebook.
A couple of years ago my mother in law's neighbor, who was elderly got sick. Her son came to visit her and found out she was a hoarder(lots and lots and lots of unopened avon products dating back to the 80's) His mother was going to a nursing home and now he was stuck with the task of getting all of this stuff out of the house so it could be cleaned, fixed up and sold. We just happened to be visiting MIL that day, went over and was like "Hey, we'll take care of this for you, we will get all of the stuff out, you don't have to pay us money, we just want the stuff." So we got all of this stuff and we resold it all. A lot of it on facebook. I made a lot of money. Enough to completely finance Christmas(at the time it was late fall) that year plus my husband and I bought ourselves a $500 dog(see profile pic

) I probably could of made more money selling on ebay, especially the older stuff but I needed it gone fast, we where not prepared to store that much stuff because it was just pure luck we came across a situation like that. I was an avon rep for almost 4 years so I knew what a lot of the stuff was worth, so I lowered the price accordingly to make it go fast.
Anyway my point is, while I was frequenting these facebook groups I noticed that clothes, handbags and holiday decorations(especially around whatever holiday the decorations are for) Sell really well. Of course you have to price them right, but with the clothes people normally just put them in lots and sell them that way.
Just search for resale or rummage groups in your area on facebook and join or if they are not public ask to join, and then start posting. Just a little warning, I don't know about other areas but my area the buyers can be difficult. It's mostly women and they can be catty/cliquey and love drama, they seem to forget that they are grownups and not in high school anymore, and half the time the admins on the group are no better. So if you can't deal with the BS I don't suggest you try to sell there. That is why I mainly try to stick to craigslist, flea markets and yard sales now. If I have something that doesn't sell, or a lot of clothes then I will post on facebook.