Storage Auctions
The Marketplace => Selling Venues => Craigslist => Topic started by: Travis on November 12, 2013, 11:43:06 AM
I'm selling 4 filing cabinets that I bought at an auction yesterday and this morning I decided to look at the ad on Craigslist. I searched for "filing cabinet" and my ad was nowhere to be found. The headline of my ad is "4 filing cabinets." Added the S and my ad pops up. Just thought I would mention this to you guys, just in case you didn't already know. I'm going start adding the singular and plural term to the keywords in my ads. This simple tip could help your ads be seen by more people.
I've never seen that happen. Did you use the quotes like shown above?
I think craigslist did change their search algorithm. Used to be that you could type in a partial word and get results. Not anymore!
I've never seen that happen. Did you use the quotes like shown above?
No, I didn't use quotes.
No, I didn't use quotes.
Can I quote you on that? :)
I think craigslist did change their search algorithm. Used to be that you could type in a partial word and get results. Not anymore!
I've noticed that. I've even started to add misspelled words in tag line.
Like: head light, headlight, hed light., lite,
All with and without "s" as Travis said.
I've noticed that. I've even started to add misspelled words in tag line.
Like: head light, headlight, hed light., lite,
All with and without "s" as Travis said.
Since were on that subject, I've often wondered why headboard is one word but foot board is two.
I've often wondered why headboard is one word but foot board is two.
Think about it. How many of each do you have? :P
- the last locker Travis got....the word changes from foot board to footboard? :D