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Anyone Part Of Ebay Partner Network? What Do You Think Of Recent Changes?

Offline rulesforrebels

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I some of you out there have your own blogs or are affiliate marketers. I was curious if any of you currently are or have been a member of the EPN or ebay partner network? I used to hear about how great it was and also how hard it was to get in. I recently got apprved after being denied a number of times however apparently they have really stripped down the program. The payout schedule and amounts are anything but transparent and apparently they have moved to a 1 day cookie so unless someoen buys instantly you don't get paid. Most affiliate programs have either a 15 or 20 day cookie just to illustrate how bad this is.

I was super excited about getting admitted but in less than a week have given up and stripped ebay off all my blogs and sites.

Just curious if anyone was a member before they changed terms as well as recently and what your thoughts are?

Offline luke

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Re: Anyone Part Of Ebay Partner Network? What Do You Think Of Recent Changes?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2014, 01:27:14 PM »
I use it on my sports forum - You can target ads from certain categories and keywords, so it fits the theme of your websites..

The 1 day cookie is stupid, but if you place a bid in that day and win it 7 days later you still get credit for it.  Also I think your 1 day cookie is overridden, if you click the EPN from a different site like Google.

If you know some heavy ebay shoppers that are friends they can generate $$ for you.

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Re: Anyone Part Of Ebay Partner Network? What Do You Think Of Recent Changes?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 03:19:55 PM »
I use it on my sports forum - You can target ads from certain categories and keywords, so it fits the theme of your websites..

The 1 day cookie is stupid, but if you place a bid in that day and win it 7 days later you still get credit for it.  Also I think your 1 day cookie is overridden, if you click the EPN from a different site like Google.

If you know some heavy ebay shoppers that are friends they can generate $$ for you.

I was just curious if you were a member for a while before the changes and if you still use it? Have you noticed a huge downturn in your earnings?

The one day cookie is crazy, I know many times people get confused with ebay and paypal and think they need to move money into paypal before buying vs just paying via paypal and letting them automatically do an instant bank withdrawl. I know many times buyers think they need to wait for payments to clear into their paypal account before buying. I would venture to bet a good portion of sales get pushed back a day or two for this reason. Also how many people buy instantly many will add to watchlist and buy later or will buy the last day of an auction vs buying on day 2 and waiting 5 more days.

In my experience the more caveats and less transparent the payouts are means the affiliate company is trying to find any reason not to pay affilates. If it weren't for the one day cookie and lack of transparency in what we earn I would love the program as like you said you can do text links, you can link to specific products, you can link to search pages of products in your niche but that one day cookie just killls any chance of earnings imho. I was putting it up on everything and after seeing lots of impressions, a fair number of clicks, and no earnings I took it down off all my stuff

Offline luke

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Re: Anyone Part Of Ebay Partner Network? What Do You Think Of Recent Changes?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 07:00:47 PM »
I didn't have it before the changes and I only really make money from myself on it. I really haven't found a good substitute for adsense.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Anyone Part Of Ebay Partner Network? What Do You Think Of Recent Changes?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 10:35:34 AM »
I didn't have it before the changes and I only really make money from myself on it. I really haven't found a good substitute for adsense.

hey not sure if by making money from yourself you mean you promote your own products for sale or you click your own links and then make purchases off ebay but if your doing that it will only be a sale or two before they catch on and shut you down. there is nothing in their tos however about promoting your own products thats kind of a nice idea because there's more inccentive into putting time and effort into promoting your own stuff because not only do you make money fromt eh sale as you are the seller but you also get your affiliate cut

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