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Buying & Selling Coupons on eBay

Offline Travis

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Buying & Selling Coupons on eBay
« on: August 08, 2013, 08:46:21 AM »
Does anyone buy or sell coupons on eBay?

If so, how does it work?

Is there money to be made/saved?

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Re: Buying & Selling Coupons on eBay
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 12:30:42 PM »
It's a big waste of time and effort if you ask me.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Buying & Selling Coupons on eBay
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 01:12:48 PM »

Sell? No.  It's a pain just to collect them all, then list, mail.....all for a buck or two? 

Buy?  Yes.   A penny saved.....

If you coordinate sales with coupons so item is free its worth it.
I got 20 Nivea body washes at Target for free.   Sold 15 for $30 and have body wash to last me a year.
Made a few bucks at Xmas flipping electric razors I got with sale/coupons combo.  Not free but like 1/2 off.

I tend to stick with toiletries.  They are easily resold to swap meet guys and on ebay/craigslist.
I don't need and can't sell 30 bottles of BBQ sauce.
Basically anything that keeps and I use anyway.   If I can't sell at least I'm not spending money.

You just have to make sure the coupons  are for your area OR a manufacturer coupon.
Also have to make sure they will arrive in time.

A lot of time manufactures work deals with west coast retailers to put item on buy-one-get-one, while on east coast they put out coupon for $5/1 or something.
$10 item.  Now two for $10. With Coupon = $5 for two.  $10 item now $2.50.

Do it once or twice you save some money.  Do it 10-20 times you can sell and make a few bucks.

Does your day job have anything to do with buying and selling?

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