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Can't Sign In to eBay

Offline MovieMan

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Can't Sign In to eBay
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:17:22 PM »
It's 7:15 pm on the west coast, Wednesday the 22nd.

Can't sign in to eBay using Windows 7 and IE9.  Said my password was wrong (which it wasn't) but I sent  change request and that came back. Tried with new password. Said wrong password.

Did a google search for problem signing in and got about 3 notes showing today's date and similar to what I said. Did that several times and even THOSE stopped coming up !


Finally decided to try Firefox. That worked !  Able to sign in with new password.

Anyone willing to try to sign into eBay with any version of IE ?

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 09:43:13 PM »
Crap !

I signed out of eBay while in Firefox and now it won't let me back in.  Sure hoping this is truly an eBay problem because I can't figure out anything I would have done to cause it.

There are a couple of members signed on here now at 7:42 p.m.  Could one or more of you try to sign in to your eBay accounts ?

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2014, 11:37:03 PM »
Have you tried clearing you cache/cookies/active logins?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2014, 12:21:25 AM »
Have you tried clearing you cache/cookies/active logins?

Don't take this wrong, but you sound like those foreign-country based help line assistants !

While I realize they have to go through their scripts and can't have an original thought, I patiently explained to her before she could run me through it that I had done the following:

1) cleared cache, cookies, browsing history, etc.

2) got a new password (which also didn't get me in)

3) had tried 3 computers (two of which are rarely used) and had similar experience (couldn't log in)

4) had gotten in ONCE by using Firefox instead of IE9

5) later couldn't get in with even Firefox.

I think #3 above says a lot about what I finally said to her:

"Doesn't it make sense that if I can't get logged in using THREE SEPARATE computers that it is something at YOUR end?"

Her response was "I'm not authorized to say anything about something like that". That kind of told me that I wasn't the first one having the problem.  She put me through to the advanced team, but after being on hold for about 10 minutes I hung up.

Lo and behold, 10 minutes later I was able to get in using Firefox. I haven't tried IE9 again. I just wanted to get some items listed.

Get a clue eBay...fess up when it's your fault.

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2014, 12:59:52 AM »
Don't take this wrong, but you sound like those foreign-country based help line assistants !

At least he was trying to help. You could've shown some appreciation for the response and gracefully said, "thanks, I did try that", then move on. Your lack of gratitude for him trying to help might explain why no one else has bothered to try.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2014, 09:01:36 AM »
At least he was trying to help. You could've shown some appreciation for the response and gracefully said, "thanks, I did try that", then move on. Your lack of gratitude for him trying to help might explain why no one else has bothered to try.

Hence my response "Don't take this wrong".....

I think it's most likely that no one responded because there just aren't that many people even reading the posts.

But, thanks for the observation.  ;D

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2014, 10:44:08 AM »
Unless you really like internet explorer I'd suggest using firefox instead, some people like chrome i prefer firefox. Lots of sites don't work with IE however. I can't pay my carnote to Hyundai using IE. Paypal also doesn't work with ie for me it tells me it can run script when trying to print labels. I'd recommend just using a new browser

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2014, 04:40:43 PM »
Unless you really like internet explorer I'd suggest using firefox instead, some people like chrome i prefer firefox. Lots of sites don't work with IE however. I can't pay my carnote to Hyundai using IE. Paypal also doesn't work with ie for me it tells me it can run script when trying to print labels. I'd recommend just using a new browser

Right now I have both IE and FF active. The only time I need the FF is to sign on to my eBay account. Everything else works in IE.

I'll just let some time go by and see if IE straightens out for eBay sign-in. If it doesn't I won't spend more time trying to figure it out, I'll just use FF.

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2014, 09:55:28 AM »
Little late but I just tried and its fine......

Side note, I choose distant learning classes over actually having to show up on campus.  Several times I've been unable to access it.  Turns out the IT guys do updates and what not in the evening and weekends.  Um, hello?  People take online courses because they work!  When do you think they are going to be online?!

My only class that is on campus the professor uses the distant learning site for assigning/turning in homework. We keep missing assignment or he doesn't get my work.  Turns out the site isn't compatible with Windows8.  Office2013.  IE or Chrome and REALLY does not work with Safari (so no using iPad).

IT's solution: "Use the computer lab"

Why would you take online classes if you have to drive to campus anyway?   And are you open at 9pm when I have time?

Sorry.....I'll stop now....this has turned into a rant.......   

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2014, 09:47:10 PM »

I enjoyed reading your rundown on the problems you were having and especially the IT department's "solution"....unbelievable !


Meanwhile, I started thinking more about the problem I was having and did some online research.  I was using Windows 7 and IE 9.

As I recall, this is what the laptop came with when I got it about 3 years ago I think. Whenever, Win 7 came out.

At some point I had upgraded to IE 10 but had some problems with it and went back to IE 9. 


Now I see that IE 9 is only suitable for Windows XP, so somewhere along the line things apparently got fouled up and I had the problem described in post #1 here.


I downloaded IE 10 and NOW I CAN SIGN-IN to eBay again !  There's always an answer, but sometimes figuring it out is a headache.  Nice to know I can fall back on FireFox and I learned some things about it over the last few days, so not a total loss.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2014, 09:09:58 AM »
I'm surprised how many people still use ie. i find it to be ages behind firefox and chrome. same way im amazed people still use aol email addresses im amazed people use ie. sometimes ill use it on a new computer not thinking before i download browsers i like and dont really think about it but i always find it to be slow and glitchy

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2014, 09:30:02 AM »
I'm surprised how many people still use

Could be, but Windows based pcs still outsell Apples despite the Apples being "elegant". When it comes to computers I use one of each brand and it is nice to have choices when it comes to computers and browsers.

Offline alloro

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Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2014, 09:48:00 AM »
I'm surprised how many people still use ie.

I find just the opposite. I have been using IE since the very first version. I find it has more safeguards and features than all of the other browsers combined.

Re: Can't Sign In to eBay
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2014, 12:02:07 PM »
I've been using Chrome ever since it was released.  It's great, I have all my favorites synced up on my laptop, ipad, and cell phone.  Just makes life easy.  I also use firefox once in a while too, I just prefer the overall look and feel of Chrome.

And, I've kept my original AOL email account from 1995.  I have a bunch of different email accounts I use for various craigslist accounts, ebay, certain sites I visit, etc.  But I still use my aol account as my main one.  Every once in awhile I'll hear from an old friend because I still have the same email address......but remember when you used to have to pay for that?

 And with gmail going down and freaking everybody out the other day, I had no problems.   ;D

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