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Do You Charge A Re-Stocking Fee On Returns?

Offline rulesforrebels

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Do You Charge A Re-Stocking Fee On Returns?
« on: February 24, 2014, 09:04:03 AM »
Just curious if you guys charge a re-stocking fee on your returns. On one of my accounts they allow me to do this on the other they don't, I'm not sure if you have to be top rated or power seller or have a certain level category of store but I really like this feature.

It allows me to accept returns while still getting paid for my time and expenses on selling an item. I still don't like returns but heck if someone returns something I make a nice 20% margin and then resell the item again to someone else so not the end of the world. I have chosen to offer a 14 day return policy with a 20% restocking fee so I do offer returns and am rewarded in best match search for doing so however it also prevents buyers from playing games buying something on the offchance they may want it and sending it back or buying something just to try it out.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Do You Charge A Re-Stocking Fee On Returns?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 10:04:10 AM »
Bump, sorry i hate hwen people bump things but I'm surprised nobody has commented or has any interest in this subject, especially when I've heard so many people say they choose not to be power sellers or top rated sellers because they dont want to have to accept returns. This basically sovles that problem, you get to offer returns and get all the benefits that come with it from a search algorithm perspective as well as in being able to be a top rated seller and power seller and take advantage of shipping and fvf discounts as well as better search ranking. First off this discouraages returns but if someoen does return something at least your paid for your time and shipping costs. Surprised more people aren't interested in this

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