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Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?

Offline rulesforrebels

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Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« on: March 12, 2011, 01:34:56 PM »
Just curious if others out there leave feedback immediately or wait for buyers to leave you feedback?

I used to leave feedback immediately upon buyers paying as they held up their part of the deal but I found only about 10% of buyers ever actually bother leaving feedback.

I was going to start not leaving feedback unless buyers do the same. Anyone do this and if so do you find more people leave you feedback?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 02:36:36 PM »
Been using eBay for 7 years and learned VERY EARLY to wait for the buyer to leave feedback first.
Several reasons for doing this. I believe the sequence is this:

You send me money for the item you bought.
I send you the item.
You examine the item and place feedback regarding your satisfaction (or dis-satisfaction)
I send you feedback regarding your payment, etc.

This made perfect sense in the beginning and is even more important now that the seller can not give negative feedback.

eBay would not exist without either sellers OR buyers, but they give buyers a better shake.

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Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2011, 04:34:51 PM »
Yeah it sucks sellers cant leave feedback anymore. Now buyers can wait as long as they want to pay and you can't do anything about it. Send repeat invoices or even dare open a non payment claim after they havn't paid for 10 days and your going to get bad feedback.

I'm surprised how few people leave feedbac, I must have two dozen things open on my dashboard where I never left feedback waiting for buyers and they still havn't.

I have found since I started not leaving feedback unitl buyers I get quite a bit more feedback but still surprised how few people leave feedback.

Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2011, 11:10:38 PM »
I wait until they leave feedback for me before I leave them any.  I used to leave it a week later, after I knew they had their stuff, and I would send them an email saying:  Thank you for your purchase.  I just left you some good feedback and would appreciate the same.  Thank you. 

It worked pretty good.  Now I just don't care!  I have almost 400, and it's still 100%.....although every time I sell something I feel like it's a crap shoot!  It's only a matter of time before some idiot screws it up!  Ebay has ruined the site for the sellers, the buyers have all the power now.

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Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2011, 11:26:23 PM »
Yes, I agree that waiting for them to give feedback first is the way to go.

About 3 years ago (when the seller could still leave feedback) I got a negative feedback from a person who claimed the Princess House item I sent wasn't PH and was the wrong size ..... she KNEW what it was supposed to be like.

The pictures (large like the ones I use in the forums) clearly showed the PH box with the PH patterned item. The text told the size in inches.

She waited a full 59 days (ring any bells) and then left neg feedback saying it wasn't PH. I immediately left her neg feedback, but to what end...only my personal satisfaction. Each year on the anniversary of that purchase I sent her an email wishing her a merry Christmas. She still has the same 10 feedback (as a buyer) that she had then. Meanwhile my feedback (almost all as a seller) went from 400 to over 800.  That feedback hung around for a year until it went away on its own.

eBay plain sucks when it comes to such things for the seller, but there are some slight remedies like being able to list a reply to a feedback. It's something, but not much.

DID YOU KNOW you can ask the seller to retract a feedback?  If they agree, it goes away....typically they change it to something else. I had a guy give me a neg because a video tape on fishing didn't have the young woman in the tape that I showed in the listing. It was a fully clothed woman holding a big fish.  This many of the problem buyers...had 7 feedback. Seems like it's always the case with the dissatisfied. He took back the neg and gave me a green after I convinced him it didn't affect the fishing techniques shown in the tape. WHAT AN IDIOT!

Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2011, 09:22:13 AM »
I leave feedback after receiving feedback from the buyer.

I agree that if you leave feedback first,  the buyer (more times than not) won't leave feedback.

I usually contact the buyer after a week or so and ask if they were satisfied with their purchase and kindly ask if they will leave feedback.

I had a repeat customer continuously not leave feedback after I left feedback for him.  So, I asked him why and he stated that he doesn't leave feedback for any purchase because Ebay treated him bad.  He has over 1500 feedback. 

I have over 1000 feedback and appreciate every feedback I get.

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Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2011, 10:24:40 AM »
The feedback I have received as a seller outweighs my feedback as a buyer by a ratio of 90 to 1.

They sell me something, I receive it, I leave them feedback and usually they will leave me feedback.

I have bought items and the seller has immediately sent me feedback before I received the item. That's OK if they want to do it, but I still wait to get the item before I send them feedback and I give the feedback based on what I received.
I don't think I've ever given a negative feedback, nor have I had to dispute something I bought.

What gets me are the low feedback buyers (10 or less, maybe up to 25) who don't seem to have a clue about the process or what it means to MOST sellers. They seem not to know about communicating by email for a mutually
beneficial outcome, but rather will just post a neg or a neutral which is then harder to rectify. Oh well, it takes all kinds I guess.

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Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2011, 11:26:28 AM »
Yeah it sucks sellers cant leave feedback anymore. Now buyers can wait as long as they want to pay and you can't do anything about it. Send repeat invoices or even dare open a non payment claim after they havn't paid for 10 days and your going to get bad feedback.

After 5 days if I have not received payment I send the buyer an email which says, "Hi there...I have your (item) packaged up and ready to send to you. Just waiting for your payment and your (item) will go right out. Thanks!"

This gives them the idea, but doesn't have a negative tone (at least that's what I THINK). This has worked in all but one case, and I finally had to file a non-payment claim. He never responded to that either and I got final value fees back and had to relist it.

The listing fees aren't a big hit (the ones I don't get back on a bad transaction) because it usually only costs me 10 cents to 20 cents to list. I usually list about 10 to 20 a month and on a pretty regular basis (for me anyway) the first 50 listings are free or 10 cents each.

I still believe in eBay (overall) with just a few places for dis-satisfaction.

Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2011, 03:30:02 PM »
I have mixed views on this. When someone has paid promptly, their portion of the transaction is done and it's entirely appropriate for the seller to leave feedback right then and there. However, eBay long ago decided to side more with the buyers than sellers, especially considering that sellers can no longer leave negative feedback for someone (ridiculous). As a seller, I will often leave feedback from someone only to never receive any in return. For those last two reasons I've stopped leaving feedback for people right away when selling. I wait until I receive it. Also, to keep the feedback stream going, I tend to post this in my listing and will send a follow up message later to the buyer, reminding them to leave fb.

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Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2011, 07:07:34 PM »
1tobuyandsell, that guy sounds like an idiot. Ebay wronged is not leaving feedback going to right that wrong? lol.

He's screwing you out of feedback and screwing other buyers out of a helpful suggestion of a good transaction, ebay could probably care less whether he leaves feedback or not.

As for the late or non paying buyers. I'm never mean or rude but even after politely asking for money after a week to ten days I'll send another invoice give antoher couple days and then file a claim. More often thannot buyer pays but then leaves me neg feedback not because they are not happy with the purchase, thigns were as described and package was shipped within minutes of leaving feedback but they get mad you filed a cliam so are automatically going to leave neg feedback.

Why don't buyers leave feedback?!

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