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Do you sell to countries other than the USA when listing on eBay?

Offline MovieMan

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After we hear from other members I'll give you two Canadian examples and a Croatia example.  ;D

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Do you sell to countries other than the USA when listing on eBay?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2014, 10:51:05 AM »
I don't, i occasionally get requests but im worried about people getting mad at long shipping times or customs holding packages or even customs fees all out of my control but still things people leave bad feedback for. aslo im not eligible for global shipping so its not like i can just ship to nashville and its in ebays hands, im responsible for item getting to buyer in the foreign country and i dont trust foreign post offices, ours is bad enough lol

Re: Do you sell to countries other than the USA when listing on eBay?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2014, 01:24:58 PM »
I do give quotes upon request. I always ship USPS with insurance and the item has to be under 4 lbs. I never put international shipping on the listing, because I want to be clear that I am not responsible for an item being held in customs, or for extended shipping times. I've shipped 2 items outside the country. 1 was a Lego phone made by Tyco in the 80s. The other was recently, an advertisement for Maylasia-Singapore Airlines (opposite side was Rolex). Shipped to Singapore for $3.65.

Re: Do you sell to countries other than the USA when listing on eBay?
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2014, 11:46:28 AM »
I sell most of my international through the global shipping program, I am free and clear once it hits the US shipping center in Kentucky. A few item that are small enough and unique enough to not have scammers, I offer first class international shipping myself as it saves them $20-$30 over the global shipping program and therfore increases my chance of a quicker sale. I have probably sold $20-30 items international anywhere from a $8 item to a $200 item with never an issue.

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