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DONT GIVE UP ON EBAY GUYS!!! Did Over 230K In Sales On Ebay In August

Offline rulesforrebels

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Hey guys I know alot of you guys get frustrated with ebay, hate thier policies, hate paying their fees. I used to be this way and I still do hate alot of the annoying things on ebay but its working. Obviously what I take home is no where near as impressive as the overall sales number. Part of that is product cost plus all the fees but still thats good money. Dont give up on ebay, just learn the policies, protect yourself and make ebay work for you. Also try to convert your ebay customers too off ebay customers.

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Re: DONT GIVE UP ON EBAY GUYS!!! Did Over 230K In Sales On Ebay In August
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2013, 01:20:47 PM »
You did $230K in sales this past August on eBay? That's great! If anyone else posted what you just did I would've considered it spam.

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Re: DONT GIVE UP ON EBAY GUYS!!! Did Over 230K In Sales On Ebay In August
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2013, 02:34:58 PM »
Obviously what I take home is no where near as impressive as the overall sales number.

I'd be more interested to hear what your NET was (after product cost and all other expenses).

Obviously you have a small product that sells in large numbers.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: DONT GIVE UP ON EBAY GUYS!!! Did Over 230K In Sales On Ebay In August
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2013, 03:35:03 PM »
Net on 230K in sales was a little over $21,000. We work on relatively small margins and ebay fees hit hard. I think last year we paid ebay over $16,000 however last years numbers were nothing compared to this  years. Even though I'm making money using ebay I'm sure I'm going to be sick at the end of hte year when i see how much we've paid in fees but I guess as long as were making money its still money we couldn't make without ebay.

I try to use ebay to drive my ebay customers off ebay to my websites, the problem however is that most ebay people stick to ebay so it's hard to convert them. The other problem is ebay is such a competitive market I normally wind up having to offer lower pricing on ebay than my site so not only am I selling for lower prices but I also am paying ebay fees on top of it. Ebay customers also seem to be some of the most difficult customers as well, the type who message you 2 minutes after buying wanting tracking numbers, wanting to know why they havn't received their item yet, etc.

As for products, we sell items ranging from say $10 up to $1000. Our most popuar products and probably average dollar amount per sale is probably around $110.

Can anyone recommend a book on ebay or give some tips?

Started by zenBuyer

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Hey guys Check out my Ebay store if you like.

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