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Ebay Screws Non Store Owners..

Offline luke

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Ebay Screws Non Store Owners..
« on: May 07, 2014, 12:20:52 PM »

Millions of buyers come to eBay every day, in search of great deals available only on eBay. And for many sellers様ike those without an eBay Stores subscription預uction-style listings are the best way to sell in popular categories like Fashion and Collectibles & Art. To keep our buyers engaged, and to help ensure that new sellers and those who sell occasionally have the best opportunity to succeed, we will be making some updates to the standard fee structure (fees for sellers without an eBay Stores subscription).

The following changes will take effect on May 15, 2014 at 00:01 AM PT:

If you do not subscribe to an eBay Store, you値l enjoy up to 100 FREE listings*用ay no insertion fees容very month.
50 of these will be dedicated auction-style listings, which can be used only in the categories listed below. There will no longer be an allotment of free fixed price listings for items listed in these 14 categories, unless you subscribe to an eBay Store.

You値l also receive 50 free listings* which can either be additional auction-style listings in the categories listed below, or auction-style or fixed price listings in most other categories.
The standard insertion fee for fixed price listings in the categories listed below will be 30「 per listing. Note: This 30「 per listing charge will apply to Good 禅il Cancelled listings that renew on or after May 15, 2014.

As before, you値l be able to add Buy It Now FREE to your free auction-style listings, or Best Offer for FREE to your free fixed price listings.

The current fee structure for eBay Stores sellers is NOT changing容Bay Stores subscribers will still get the same number of free auction-style or fixed price listings they get today in any category, including the categories listed below.
The following categories are affected by this update, and will no longer be eligible for free fixed price listings* to sellers without an eBay Stores subscription:

Clothing, Shoes & Accessories
Coins & Paper Money
Dolls & Bears
Entertainment Memorabilia
Health & Beauty
Jewelry & Watches
Pottery & Glass
Sports Memorabilia, Cards & Fan Shop
Toys & Hobbies

If you prefer to list in the fixed price format in the categories listed, you can still do so for the 30「 insertion fee mentioned above. Or you can consider a Basic eBay Stores subscription for just $19.95 a month, or $15.95 a month with a yearly commitment. With a Basic eBay Stores subscription, you値l get 150 free listings*預uction-style or fixed price容very month, final value fees of 9% or less in the categories listed above, and access to a wealth of marketing tools to help supercharge your sales. Learn more.

We believe that this update will make selling on eBay even more profitable for you. And預s always葉hank you for being a part of the eBay community.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Ebay Screws Non Store Owners..
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2014, 12:43:54 PM »
In the past many people had two accounts a store account and a non store account because in the free listings department non store owners actually got more free listings. Kinda a backwards way of how busienss is typically done, give more to those who arent' paying you. I never really thoguht that made sense. It's not really screwing ebayers without stores, with anything whether cellphones or anything else if you pay more or commit to some length of time you get a better deal. Why shouldn't store owners to pay anywehre from $15 to $300 a month get more than someone who pays nothing?

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