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Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?

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Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« on: February 21, 2014, 08:33:46 AM »
Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller? And if so, what did they do to deserve this?

Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2014, 09:40:12 AM »
Yes, I won an auction that should have went for a lot more. I paid quickly, after few days had not shipped and no contact from seller. I contacted him, he gave me some excuse that UPS didn't like the box he was shipping in and were charging him more. He never ended up shipping it and I had to file a claim to get a rfund, he wouldn't even do a simple refund for me. So needless to say I left him negative feedback. That is the only negative feedback I have left that I can recall. Left a couple of neutrals for various reasons.

Offline alloro

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Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2014, 09:54:57 AM »
Once, which forced the seller to make things right. He then sent me a revise feedback request after he made things right. I did change the feedback from negative to positive.

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Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2014, 11:33:33 AM »
I bought a ring on eBay, it was incredible and one of a kind. After a week or so, the ring still hadn't arrived. I contacted the seller and he made a lame excuse that a couple of the diamonds had fallen out and the ring was being repaired by a jeweler. Waited another week, still no response from seller. Contacted him again, more excuses. Finally, I asked him for a refund. No response. Filed a claim. He made me wait until the claim deadline before he issued a refund and even then, he didn't have any money in his PayPal account so I had to wait even longer. This whole ordeal took about a month to resolve and needless to say, I wasn't happy. So, gave him negative feedback and warned others not to do business with him.

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Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2014, 01:07:21 PM »
I understand what being a seller is like so it pretty much has to be an outright screw you for me to leave bad feedback for someone. I would never leave bad feedback for slow shipping or anything like that if tracking showed sellers did things in a timely manner I dont hold people responsible forn  a crappy post office though many buyers do.

Heck even if I'm unhappy with a purhcase I'll always give a seller a chance to right a situation. It frustrates me how some people leave bad feedback without ever trying to contact me as a seller. Also I hate when someone leaves me a neg or a neutral and it will say fast shipping like whats the problem then? My items aren't really something thats a surprise when it shows up you know exactly what your getting no variations so really the only knock someone could give me is for communication or shipping time both issues I'm always responsive to within minutes.

Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2014, 03:27:00 PM »
I've only ever bought 3 things off of ebay. In each case, I've had no reason to leave a negative feedback. However, it takes a lot for me to consider a transaction bad.

Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2014, 03:52:29 PM »
i got gouged on shipping on a watch lot , $25 for what i could have shipped the same way for $12 , when it showed up in was in a cereal cardboard type box and the watches were thrown in loose and scratched up the faces and some were missing because the box had broken open , ups had resealed and put the resealed sticker on it. I complained and got nowhere with the seller so I did neg them

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2014, 05:22:41 PM »
honestly its stupid people even charging shipping fees, you dont save anything on fvf, you rank lower in searches and you get buyers whining about the true cost of shipping vs what it cost. i roll my shipping into product cost and offer it free but i always add on more than shipping costs. if you charge the actual shipping costs your losing money as your paying fvf on the shipping costs plus you have to account for your time, gas to post office and packaging materials. in the situation just described i wouldn't be concerend about shipping costs as buyers should look at total product cost period whether shipping is seperated or rolled in. that said if someoen doesnt package something up well and its damaged or open during shipping thats bad.

Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2014, 06:48:08 PM »
I bought a construction laser on ebay.  The guy had a picture of it in the case.  Said it worked fine.  I got it for like $325 including shipping.  Shows up and I open the box and it's in like five pieces.  He took the picture with it in the case and made it look like it was in good condition.  I immediately contacted him and he said that it would work fine if I put it together.  I said that you told me it worked.  He said that was my problem and he wasn't going to do anything for me.  I opened a case with ebay.  This was quite awhile ago, and the rules were a lot different then.  I ended up getting somewhere around $120 back out of ebay and was out the rest.  It was stupid.  I left the guy a bad feedback and of course he left me a retaliatory one.  I went back and commented on his (I don't think that ebay would let you get away with this now) that before you buy anything from this crook, contact me and I'll tell you about his business practices.  After a while, he wasn't even a registered user anymore.  But he had a definite pattern in his feedback.   He would sell a bunch of $20.00 items and ship them out and get good feedback.  Then he would sell a $300-$400 item and get a negative feedback because it was broken and then tell the people to get bent when they tried to get their money back!  Total scammer!

Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2014, 12:04:38 PM »
honestly its stupid people even charging shipping fees, you dont save anything on fvf, you rank lower in searches and you get buyers whining about the true cost of shipping vs what it cost. i roll my shipping into product cost and offer it free but i always add on more than shipping costs. if you charge the actual shipping costs your losing money as your paying fvf on the shipping costs plus you have to account for your time, gas to post office and packaging materials. in the situation just described i wouldn't be concerend about shipping costs as buyers should look at total product cost period whether shipping is seperated or rolled in. that said if someoen doesnt package something up well and its damaged or open during shipping thats bad.

I wouldnt have negged for the shipping costs alone , but the overcharge combined with piss poor packaging and the response i got from the seller about it (he pretty much told me to politely go eff myself) had me smiling and calling him a bastard as i hit the neg button

as for putting shipping costs in the price of the item some times it works for me and some times it doesnt
on something big like a bicycle ( i ship 2-3 every year) if i ship to my next door neighbor its going to run $25 if i go across country its going to be around $75  its difficult to tag that on the price

other items if i tack a comfortable shipping cost on the item sometimes it drives up the cost to a point where it looks silly  ive sold many things for $25 + $25 shipping where as the same item would sit for months untouched at 49.99
free shipping

that being said if i can ship first class mail of a small fr box or envelope i put them up free shipping

Offline alloro

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Re: Have you ever left negative feedback on another seller?
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2014, 09:49:13 PM »
honestly its stupid people even charging shipping fees

Beg pardon? I don't offer free shipping on anything...ever, and I can assure you I am far from "stupid." From my point of view, those that offer "free" shipping while including the actual cost of shipping into the price for the item are being deceptive and misleading to their buyers by hiding the costs and making extra profit off them. So in my book that makes "free" shippers liars and cheats.

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