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WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!

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WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« on: August 08, 2012, 12:15:35 PM »
I'm a powerseller and a toprated seller on ebay. I know recently we have had some discussions about whether it's worth the hassles of having to take returns, get product out in one day, etc.

Just wanted to let you guys know how big the breaks on shipping can be. On priority flat rate envelopes which I ship alot of it's not a huge savings maybe 0.50 cents, however on USPS Express FLat Rate Envelopes it used to cost me $18.95 however recently went down to $12 with my discount.

This means I can offer express overnight shipping for a lower cost and give my customers deals or I can charge normal shipping cost and make an extra $7 per order.

The discounts definately help out so I would encourage people to consider being a powerseller if your on the fence, especially if you sell volume as this adds up quickly. Every hundred orders I ship that's an extra $700 for me.

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Re: WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 01:38:01 PM »
I just met the requirements for PowerSeller and Top Rated Seller.

So I called "Ebay" and they told me they only update status on the "20th" of every month, and I have to wait till the 20th to receive my new status. which is 20 days away.

Then I said, I was really looking for the extra benefits, he said once account you're upgraded, then the discounts won't kick in until the next billing cycle, so basically I have to wait like 50 days, before I can enjoy the benefits,  that I earned last week.

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Re: WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2012, 04:52:23 PM »
I just met the requirements for PowerSeller and Top Rated Seller.

Welcome to the group !  At one time this was meaningful to me too, but then the following happened (in the last month or so).

1) Even though you may meet the quantity of sales and the $ amount requirement you won't receive a discount
    on your final fees UNLESS you do one-day shipping and allow for a two-week return policy.

2) They said at one point that the top rated seller badge was going away (even if you met the $ and quantity amounts)
    IF you DIDN'T give the one-day and the 2 week requirements.

So, you can do just as good a job of selling, but you don't get the discounts and you might even lose the badge...they are talking about calling the new one "top rated seller PLUS".

When you get right down to it, it is just eBay sticking it to the seller again in favor of the buyer. They know they are basically the "only" game in town (with the reach they have), so what do they care.

Now for the example I always give when someone mentions the discount on final fees. Sure if you sell 100 items a month you'll save some dough on the final fees, but how many sellers who are reading these threads do that? I know I don't.  AND if I sell an item for $100 and the fees are say $10 (just for ease of calculating) then I am losing a $2 discount on that $10 fee. If I sold 10 items at that $100 figure I would lose 10 items * $2 each or a total lost discount of $20 on $1,000 worth of sales.

I can live with that rather than go through the hassle of even ONE returned item coming back after 14 days of someone using it !

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Re: WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2012, 05:15:42 PM »
I have been doing the top rated seller / powerseller thing for a while now. I have not had one single return nor have I had any problems with the 1 day shipping thing.

Anyone who's a professional seller vs just a casual seller selling something out of the basement should probably have no longer than a two day handling time at most so not a super stretch to make it one day handling time.

Also, though I suppose maybe its gaming the system a bit techinically you only have to print the shipping label within one day you don't necessarily have to mail the item within one day. Sometimes I may not have time to make it to the post office but as long as I get the label printed if I actually put the package in the mail a few hours late or a day late it's never caused me a problem.&

I know with certain categories like books i suppose you could have people buying a book and then using their 45 day time to read it and return it intead and basicall yget a free read out of you. Same with tools someone may need to use once and never again or clothes where maybe they wear it once and return it.

Fortunetly for me my category of item is not something that would make any sense doing that for and honestly I think majority of people on ebay are not out looking to screw you.

That said if it makes sense take advantage of it. If you sell for long enough and enough items on ebay eventually our going to run into one of those bad buyers or a troubled sale eventually whether you do the powerseller stuff or not but I do see how some may think it opens them up to more likelihood of this happening if they sell certain categories that are more prone to being abused. The savings overall save me a ton of money though.

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Re: WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2012, 05:43:13 PM »
I have been doing the top rated seller / powerseller thing for a while now. I have not had one single return nor have I had any problems with the 1 day shipping thing.

Let us know when you have been doing it for 9 years and not with just a single type of item.

Anyone who's a professional seller vs just a casual seller selling something out of the basement should probably have no longer than a two day handling time at most so not a super stretch to make it one day handling time.

I use 3 or 4 day processing and as long as you get it done in the time you state it is not a problem. I often mail the same day I get payment, especially if it happens to fall on a day when I am already mailing other items.

Also, though I suppose maybe its gaming the system a bit techinically you only have to print the shipping label within one day you don't necessarily have to mail the item within one day. Sometimes I may not have time to make it to the post office but as long as I get the label printed if I actually put the package in the mail a few hours late or a day late it's never caused me a problem.

Game away...eBay does it to us.

I know with certain categories like books i suppose you could have people buying a book and then using their 45 day time to read it and return it intead and basicall yget a free read out of you. Same with tools someone may need to use once and never again or clothes where maybe they wear it once and return it.

not 45 days ... 14 days...but still the same idea. And the idea that someone can use a specialty tool
for a job and THEN return it for a full refund...that's REALLY gaming the system....more importantly...gaming the seller. eBay could care less...they still got their fees.

Fortunetly for me my category of item is not something that would make any sense doing that for and honestly I think majority of people on ebay are not out looking to screw you.

No, the majority would not be out to screw the seller, but it only takes ONE to do a job on you.
Another thing they try is this:
It's not quite as advertised, but If you give me a discount of say 50% (or whatever amount) It won't have to go any further than this; otherwise I'll need to return it.

I had a guy try that and told him to return it for a full refund including original shipping. He couldn't back down fast enough...hekept the item and I kept my money. Would it surprise any long-time seller to know this buyer had less than 10 feedback and had only belong to eBay for a month or two ?

That said if it makes sense take advantage of it. If you sell for long enough and enough items on ebay eventually our going to run into one of those bad buyers or a troubled sale eventually whether you do the powerseller stuff or not but I do see how some may think it opens them up to more likelihood of this happening if they sell certain categories that are more prone to being abused. The savings overall save me a ton of money though.

The savings you seem to be talking about are in your shipping IF you follow through on the approach you mentioned above. IMO the savings on final fees don't amount to a hill of beans.

Re: WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2012, 10:09:34 PM »

i think they give the shipping discounts to everyone as long as they ship through ebay

im a bronze powerseller and theres no discount for that as far as i know

im also a top rated seller and the discount was 20% of final value fees but they dont discount the fvf on the shipping

Offline luke

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Re: WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2012, 03:48:54 PM »
So on 9/20, I became a Bronze PowerSeller and Top Rated seller, just like the ebay support person said.

9/20 - 9/21 - I sold 8 things... (Things that I been re-listing for months) - 2 of these items were over $200

I wonder if it has anything to do the upgrade or if it's because I put in the 14 day return policy, or the moon just aligned right today.

So I just re-listed a bunch more items, I haven't been able to sell for 6 months that I gave up on. We'll see.

Re: WOW, PowerSeller Discounts Really Add Up!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2012, 12:23:39 PM »
The savings you seem to be talking about are in your shipping IF you follow through on the approach you mentioned above. IMO the savings on final fees don't amount to a hill of beans.

I wonder if it's the type of items you sell on eBay where you have nightmare stories from buyers. I have had a few minor issues come up, but in almost every case, it was my fault and I had to make good on it somehow. I have to date not run into a buyer that has been trying to scam me or use an item and then try to return it within the 14 days. In fact, I've only had one request from someone to return an item, and it was after they left me positive feedback, so I said no and worked out their issue with them.

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