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Lost my top rated seller status, watch out for returns or item cancellations

Offline rulesforrebels

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Just wanted to share some helpful info. I just lost my top rated seller status on one of my accounts which means I lose my 20% discount in seller fees which some months can wind up being a discount of $1500. basically i occasionally get buyers who will pay and then say they made a mistake and ask to cancel or refund. i normally would cancel in order to get my fvf back. even though its the buyer who bought and didn't want i would cancel. well apparently now you can't have more than 2% of your acutions cancelled or request fvf fees back. i was just over 2% so lost my status. hurts me in search rankins and lose some discounts on fees and i thin maybe even shipping. ive basically decided that im gonna have to take a loss and eat some fees because the value by bieng a top rated seller outweights a few bucks lost on an item here and there. basically thats 2 transactions out of 100 that can be cancelled. im gonna save those for high dollar items and not the small stuff. just wanted to give everyone a heads up sometimes its better to lose a few bucks than lose your power seller status.

Ebay sucks anymore, with all their new policy changes, I'm glad I am moving to a new area soon where I won't have to depend on eBay as much.

Offline luke

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This happened to me also..

"Cancel's are ok" as long as you do not select "Out of Stock" or "Sold to Someone Else"

The one that got me was, people will open an "Item Not recieved" case and then get the package the next day.
Then people marking "Item Not as described" for items that was damaged in transit.

I never really payed attention like you did and then I went over that 2% threshold and got zapped.  I called eBay and complained and the first person, couldn't help, then their Supervisor couldn't help, now I'm waiting on a call back from the 2nd person's manager.

They issue comes in that they can't fix anything over 120 old, they tell me (It's their policy). So when a bogus case comes in you have to call them and then fix it immediately, to prevent it counting against you. I'm sure someone at eBay can correct it, but you have to work your way up the chain to make that happen..

Offline luke

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Come to think of it, if you want to fix it, it's just a percentage game.

You can list 20 auctions for digital pictures, I can buy them all at .01 cents and scale the percentage down to get the top rated back.

Offline rulesforrebels

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This happened to me also..

"Cancel's are ok" as long as you do not select "Out of Stock" or "Sold to Someone Else"

The one that got me was, people will open an "Item Not recieved" case and then get the package the next day.
Then people marking "Item Not as described" for items that was damaged in transit.

I never really payed attention like you did and then I went over that 2% threshold and got zapped.  I called eBay and complained and the first person, couldn't help, then their Supervisor couldn't help, now I'm waiting on a call back from the 2nd person's manager.

They issue comes in that they can't fix anything over 120 old, they tell me (It's their policy). So when a bogus case comes in you have to call them and then fix it immediately, to prevent it counting against you. I'm sure someone at eBay can correct it, but you have to work your way up the chain to make that happen..

Yeah this definately sucks. I think in my case I would have been okay had I not requested a refund on FVF fees. I had some items which buyers say oh I bought by mistake or I bought two or I paid with my PP account and wanted to pay with CC, can you refund. I refund which I don't think eBay knows about but then of course I want to try to get my FVF back since I'm being charged for a sale that never took place and on a profit I didn't make so I would want to get those fees back. I wound up filing for FVF fees back which in turn made me lose my top rated seller status. My top rated seller status got me ebay and shipping disconts which outweighed any FVF I was trying to save on so I should have just left them all as is or maybe picked a few high dollar items to try to get fees back on so I still stayed below 2%.

Also, thanks for the tip about which thing to select as to not get dinged. Lastly I totally agree with you that pisses me off when people click item not as described instead of item not received because in an item not received case as long as I show tracking even if ebayer gets their money back it typically is given back out of paypal or ebays pocket and not mine as part of teh whole buyer/seller protection deal.

I think its going to be almost two months in total before I rise back up to top rated seller.

Offline luke

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"Cancel's are ok" as long as you do select "Out of Stock" or "Sold to Someone Else"

I meant to say as long as you do NOT

Offline alloro

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I meant to say as long as you do NOT

Fixed in both locations.

Offline ChristopherJames

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The changes here are not only affecting you but the rest of us on the system. Sooner or later some guy is going to figure out that that's all they need to do to exploit us.

Have they made it easier to be a power seller and top rated seller?

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