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New eBay listing info; free listings, one flat final value fee; store news

Offline MovieMan

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Here's the link. They're "simplifying" but of course they're bumping the final value fee to do it.

Read the details at link below:

Doesn't Amazon charge in the same fashion? It's a smart move by ebay, but I don't think it'll be enough to coax those folks back from Amazon. Afterall, they (Amazon) was just given a gold medal by the National Retail Federation for being the most reliable, and recognizable "store" in the country.. This is where the people are going to buy their stuff now.. That being said, maybe I'll throw some stuff up on ebay.. After May 1.

A flat 10% fee will make calculating the fee simple enough...

Even with the increase there are some things I can sell on ebay for more then local even with free shipping and all the fees.  Example was a Korea War era BAR magazine belt.  Multiple people wanted it but not for more then $5 as one pouch had a tear.  I sold it on ebay for $40.  Even after shipping, ebay and paypal fee I'll have made 4x what they offered local.

as a non store subscriber fvf on auctions are going up, from 9 to 10% , for my fixed price listings they are actually coming down from 12- 10%

store subscribers are now getting free listings and fvfs will be coming down on smaller prices , they are doing away with the tiered fvf structure though so higher priced items will be getting an increase

Offline MovieMan

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Over the 9 years I've been selling on eBay I never really paid a lot of attention to the fees; my feeling has always been that for buying audience coverage eBay can't be beat, and if I buy correctly I can make money on eBay despite the fees.

It wasn't too many years ago that some sellers would start items at 99 cents to avoid the higher fees eBay charge if you started an item say at $25. One of my friends was interested in saving that extra $1.00 or so in fees (at that time) and would start items at 99 cents on a regular basis. His thought (mostly logical) was that any item worth its salt was going to get the $25 bid (and up) anyway and he would save $1.00 in fees.

Needless to say he sold a few items for 99 cents with only one bid and sometimes for $6.95 with 5 bids, but oh well. Guess he and I both had our ways of looking at it.

I will sometimes offer the same item on Clist at the same time and either at the same or a downsized price since there would be no fees involved. Sometimes I put a disclaimer in the eBay ad telling about the local listing and my "right" to end the eBay listing at any time whether a bid as been made or not.

Fredg's response just above seems right on the money for what is happening with fees.

100,000 free listings on eBay

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