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Offline money4nothing

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Sales Back On
« on: May 07, 2012, 04:58:06 AM »
Re-listed all the items that did not sell last week. Sold two already.

I try to list so end times are after Church on Sunday. But listed early yesterday morning just to get it done, Just a few hours later, two sold.  :D

Clothes are doing well for me on ebay. Specialty items not so much. China Tea set, Set of painted glasses and decanter.  Things I consider fluff items.

Not sure if because I am a new seller (13) or just signs of the economy. (low ebay # some people don't leave feed back.)

Sells at the thrift really dropped when the gas prices were close to $4.00. If you have to drive 30 miles round trip to get to work can't spend money on non essentials.  Gas prices are falling for us. So maybe sells will pick up. Just my opinion.

Offline alloro

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Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2012, 09:00:18 AM »
Open an eBay store if you plan on selling a lot of stuff. The fee is like $15 a month, but when you list something at a fixed price it's only 20 cents for 30 days. For auctions they usually give you 50 free listing a month as well. What you save on the listing fees can easily offset the $15 per month fee.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2012, 10:16:04 AM »
Open an eBay store if you plan on selling a lot of stuff. The fee is like $15 a month, but when you list something at a fixed price it's only 20 cents for 30 days. For auctions they usually give you 50 free listing a month as well. What you save on the listing fees can easily offset the $15 per month fee.

When I first started selling on eBay over 8 years ago I looked into having a "store" but somehow I could just never make the leap. I couldn't see the advantage. Haven't explored it much since.

I only list about 10 to 20 items a month so that may have something to do with it. I like eBay and make fair dough there since the millions of viewers can't be beat for exposing better items, but I do (like many people) have complaints.

Recently they kicked off an item (due to a request from a manufacturer). When I emailed the manufacturer I got the usual letter stating reasons. They also asked me to let them know if I saw any other instances on eBay. Well, there were six of this item on at that time so I sent them 6 separate emails with the item # as identifier.  All the other items continued to run and several of them sold in the hundreds of dollars. This just plain tics me off.

There is NO consistency either from eBay or from manufacturers who police their products. eBay even has the nerve to say "we are not targting YOU" but that seems a little hard to believe when they then let other items run to completion.

I HAVE FOUND that running a questionable item on a 1 or 3 day basis either at buy it now or auction prices sometimes works, BUT OF COURSE THIS IS DANGEROUS if you have had violations in the past (especially the recent past few months). I have written before about a fellow who had 15,000 plus feedback and was kicked off. He started another account (using I assume other credit card backing or someone elses credit card backing for billing) and quickly zoomed to 1,000 plus feedback because he sold good stuff.  Recently he was taken off again and a friend said it was for just ONE WEEK; will have to watch his listings.

Unfortunately, eBay really IS the only game in town despite folks who will promote Etsy and others. None of them seem to have the real pull of eBay.  This is of course ALL MY PERSONAL OPINION !

Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2012, 12:10:14 PM »
Money - what cloths are you selling?  I'd be interested in learning how you are doing it.  I've posted a few cloths but gotten zip.  I have some name brand stuff that is getting sold for $.50 - $1 at the flea just to move it.

alloro - everyone gets the 50 free listings.  Stores get additional free listins some this month from 7-13 the get free listing days.  If I did more then 50 listings then a store would be an option.  Since this is a hobby I don't think it's worth it for me. gave me a fit the other week as a book I had put up on there months ago all of a sudden sold.  I had forgotten all about the inventory over there as I'm use to ebay ending after X days.  I had to scramble to find the book and was really afraid I had donated it.

I'm with you MovieMan on ebay and I've been with them since 97 I think it was.  I use to use them and Yahoo auctions for selling stuff.  At the time yahoo was doing better then ebay if that tells you how long ago it was.

I hate the feedback system at times, how they randomly pull off stuff for violations (had it happen to me), and the account limit stuff at times.  Had to stop selling my software I had for a week due to account limits.  Had sold over 20 software items but only 4 feedbacks from buyers.  Needed 10 feedback to raise the limit.  I was like seriously - I've had 20 sells and no negative or returned items and I couldn't get a limit increase.  I've had ebay pull one of my CD listings saying the music was a PROMO cd.  No where did it say that on the disk, sku, or anything.  Listed as how pointed me to.   Go figure.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2012, 03:23:25 PM »
Alloro don't think I am store ready. Still treading water on ebay. And when I started selling think I was getting 100 listings free a month. Think I have dropped down to the 50 free.

Feel better Movieman ???   ;)

Craig I am selling Levis, a pair of Carhartt brush pants, currently selling Levis boys size 8, and a braids-maid / little black dress.

I start the Levis at $5 and they go up from there last pair went for $16. The Carhartt started at $9.99  ;)
and that is what they sold for, short fat size. The boys jeans and the dress are at the first bid at $5, so will see. They also fit in the padded flat rate envelope. The carhartt had to be estimated shipping.  ::)

And I add a handling charge on the shipping ? Can't remember been playing with that usually $3 but I think I dropped to $2 on the padded envelope shipping.

The nice thing about the flat rate shipping is it gets there fast.

Just realized that it is mostly mens clothing that I have put up for sale.  I have  a lot of ladies so will keep you posted as I get it done. (don't hold your breath  ;) ).

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2012, 03:26:03 PM »

Feel better Movieman ???   ;)

About what ?

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2012, 05:00:06 PM »
About what ?

Ebay Rant.     The good, bad, and the ugly.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2012, 09:54:20 AM »
Ebay Rant.     The good, bad, and the ugly.

The real rant happened when I went on to eBay and saw the item had been pulled, and again when the other similar items by different sellers were NOT pulled and SOLD !

As I LEAST they could be consistent !

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Sales Back On
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2012, 12:33:03 PM »
The real rant happened when I went on to eBay and saw the item had been pulled, and again when the other similar items by different sellers were NOT pulled and SOLD !

As I LEAST they could be consistent !

I am sure that was a rant I would not have wanted to be a part off.  ;)

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