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What's the point of feedback?

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What's the point of feedback?
« on: June 04, 2014, 12:17:39 PM »
What's the point of having a feedback system if a seller can't leave negative feedback for a buyer who doesn't pay?

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Re: What's the point of feedback?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2014, 10:06:41 AM »
You can leave negative feedback in the comments...

So even if it's marked positive you can leave a comment like. 'Beware of buyer, he's a scam artist"

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Re: What's the point of feedback?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 12:09:43 PM »
I've done the thing with leaving positive feedback but a comment but even hate doing that as most people aren't going to read the feedback and even if they do 10 more items sold and your knocked down to second page and nobody is gonna see it so your actually probably helping them more with a positive feedback than you are hurting them wit a negative comment.

As far as feedback on ebay I think its pretty useless. You have so few chharacters you cant really say anyting in detail and its not really meant to review a product more meant to review the seller. I like amazon how there's seperate reviews for reviewing the seller and the packaging vs reviwing how you actually liked the product. I think ebay should implement something like that as righht now someone may leave you bad feedback like this sprayer doesn't work well. That has more to do with the sprayer than did you ship on time, was it packaged well, etc, on ebay thats waht they should be reviewing not how well the actual product works.

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Re: What's the point of feedback?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2014, 04:34:41 PM »
You can leave negative feedback in the comments...

So even if it's marked positive you can leave a comment like. 'Beware of buyer, he's a scam artist"

eBay will get ya for doing that - you cannot leave a negative feedback in the comments like that- have to be a bit more subtle - still doesn't make a hoot for the buyer - only good for the seller (positive feedback)


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Re: What's the point of feedback?
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2014, 06:49:47 PM »
It used to be that you could give negative feedback to buyers. It was eliminated because sellers would give negative feedback to a buyer in retaliation for the buyer leaving negative feedback, even if the buyer did nothing wrong and the seller did. It was felt that buyers would start being more honest in rating bad sellers if they could no longer be extorted into giving only good feedback.

IMO, a better way is to require the seller to give feedback before the buyer can. This way the buyer could still received and give negative feedback without it being used as extortion. I also feel that if feedback is given but not received within 30 days that the feedback given should be able to be withdrawn. I'm am good about giving feedback as soon as someone buys, or when I buy, after I've received the item and all was good. More often than not the other party never leaves feedback, yet they have the benefit of the feedback I left for them.

Offline Travis

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Re: What's the point of feedback?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2014, 10:58:32 PM »
IMO, a better way is to require the seller to give feedback before the buyer can. This way the buyer could still received and give negative feedback without it being used as extortion.

That's actually a great idea.

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Re: What's the point of feedback?
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2014, 04:12:58 PM »
It used to be that you could give negative feedback to buyers. It was eliminated because sellers would give negative feedback to a buyer in retaliation for the buyer leaving negative feedback, even if the buyer did nothing wrong and the seller did. It was felt that buyers would start being more honest in rating bad sellers if they could no longer be extorted into giving only good feedback.

IMO, a better way is to require the seller to give feedback before the buyer can. This way the buyer could still received and give negative feedback without it being used as extortion. I also feel that if feedback is given but not received within 30 days that the feedback given should be able to be withdrawn. I'm am good about giving feedback as soon as someone buys, or when I buy, after I've received the item and all was good. More often than not the other party never leaves feedback, yet they have the benefit of the feedback I left for them.

good idea, in the past it was annoying buyers and sellers would get into this you leave feedback first no you leave feedback first and it was just dumb. thats actually a pretty good way of doing things. buyer feedback is prety pointless though, we as sellers dont really get to screen people before they buy so whats the point of it really. sure you can set things like people cant buy if they have 3 unpaid item strikes in a month but really no way to block someone just b/c they ave a neg

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