Storage Auctions

What's up with everyone putting "From Storage Auction" in ebay listing titles?

There's a pair of panties sitting in the corner of my garage that's from a unit like 3 years ago. I'm always too lazy just to pick it up and throw it out, it's behind a couch and a bathroom vanity I have out there.

I'm giong to pick it up, with a stick of course lol, and take some pics and put it on ebay

Nasty Old Pair Of Panties "From Storage Auction" and see if it sells lol.

It'll sell.  Don't wash em though, that takes away the patina that it accrued over the last 3 years.

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You have to put those up!

Ever search "used socks" on eBay?   Some fetish demographic going on.

I think you have a gold mine sitting there and your passing it by......

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Like in my state its in the newspaper and online telling people not to support those that buy from storage auctions. They state before you buy online ask the person if this was bought at a storage auction and if so tell them you dont support people that buy from these types of people. Its stupid and you lose out on sales because of it.
Sounds like a former locker owner who lost their locker. That or it's somebody who always says we need to play nice in the sandbox or your taking advantage of people person. Wish someone would punch that writer in the face.

Sounds like one of those damn Occupier people.

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I'm getting more customers that ask if my furniture comes from storage auctions and I can tell by the tone they don't want to hear "yes". The TV shows have certainly clued people in to where resellers get thier merchandise from and I think it is having an effect on pricing. It could be the economy in general, but I am getting low-balled more often by customers, and a lot more walk aways when I tell them the furniture was not mine originally.

Makes no sense.Next it will be "As Seen On TV"!

I have actually typed in "as seen on tv" on ebay. I seen a commercial for something and forgot the name of it. I searched ebay just to see what they were being sold for on there. That search

I will tell you exactly why someone would put "found in storage unit" on eBay or Craigslist. It's because its a marketing statigy playing off the idea that noobies to storage auctions are stupid and don't know what the items they found inside are worth. So, the seller acts dumb and naive, which by the buyer thinks they have an "edge" of scoring a good/better deal because they think the seller doesn't know it's full value.

Why wouldn't the seller know the full value? Because the seller "appears" to not know what it's really worth, because they bought it in an auction and are "supposedly" not in the business

I have actually seen this work well with baseball cards on eBay. Someone will take a picture of a box of their old cards with PSA graded or the best cards on top. Then say "found in a storage unit" in the advertisement. Even though they did not acquire the cards in a unit it gives the perception to the potential buyer that their is a GREAT deal in front of them. It's an awesome strategy by using reality T.V. To exploit the sellers true business. Just my opinion though.


I will tell you exactly why someone would put "found in storage unit" on eBay or Craigslist. It's because its a marketing statigy playing off the idea that noobies to storage auctions are stupid and don't know what the items they found inside are worth. So, the seller acts dumb and naive, which by the buyer thinks they have an "edge" of scoring a good/better deal because they think the seller doesn't know it's full value.

Why wouldn't the seller know the full value? Because the seller "appears" to not know what it's really worth, because they bought it in an auction and are "supposedly" not in the business

I have actually seen this work well with baseball cards on eBay. Someone will take a picture of a box of their old cards with PSA graded or the best cards on top. Then say "found in a storage unit" in the advertisement. Even though they did not acquire the cards in a unit it gives the perception to the potential buyer that their is a GREAT deal in front of them. It's an awesome strategy by using reality T.V. To exploit the sellers true business. Just my opinion though.


That and the fact that if you don't plaster "as-is" all over your auction, your buyer could end up screwing you out of your product and requesting their money back from eBay, and they always side with the buyer.

I post it in my titles so I don't have to deal with someone coming back to me and saying omg I found some dust. I've been posting on craigslist lately just because so sick of good stuff going on eBay for a couple of bucks because no one will bid.

What is killing me...  These people who saw the show and decided to go buy some units (like I did)...  And then put their stuff on Craigslist at damn near retail prices and put "bought at storage auction."  Bothers me for a couple reasons, first their pricing is ridiculous - reminds me of Dave H's pricing and math skills...  Second, the "bought from" comment and pricing makes people think they will strike gold at every auction...  I was BSing at the estate auction I was at and was hearing the crazy stories about how much some fools were paying for units.  If you don't see it (and know the resell or intrisic value), than don't bid for it...


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