Storage Auctions

What's up with everyone putting "From Storage Auction" in ebay listing titles?

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As I look on ebay I often notice someone is selling say a lamp but in the title of their listing it will say White Porcelain Lamp From Storage Auction.

What's the point of that? Do people really think someone's going to buy their ugly lamp just because it came from a storage auction?

I get that maybe storage auctions are a popular search on ebay and you bring in some of those searchers to see your auction but people searching for lists or ebooks or anything else probably aren't interested in an ugly lamp so really the seller is just wating precious title description space saying it came from a storage auction.

I notice this is very common and can't understand the logic behind it.

Any thoughts?

Makes no sense.Next it will be "As Seen On TV"!

Don't know why anyone would include this in a listing for a lamp
but I have stated this in 2 listings on FeeBay

one was for a pair of highend JBL home speakers (model l212 which retailed for $2200 in the 80's)
the reason was people who buy "vintage" audio equipment lots of times ask for the "history" of the item
and I wanted to try and fend off having to answer too many questions.

the other was for a highend racing bike(pedal)over a grand new...same deal as above

BTW the speakers sold for $595 and the bike for $450....I paid $1.00 for the speakers and $55 for the bike

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I understand writing something in the description about it comming from an auction, I've done that myself as well so people know history and so it explains my possible lack of knowledge of what I'm selling in terms of hours on a projector or something like that.

What I don't understand is why someone would put it in the title.  You get such limited space as it is without paying another 0.50 cents for another line why waste it saying that the itme came from a storage auction?

Offline MovieMan

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What I don't understand is why someone would put it in the title.  You get such limited space as it is without paying another 0.50 cents for another line why waste it saying that the itme came from a storage auction?

Here's what eBay is starting in September, 2011.

Coming next month: 25 EXTRA characters in your title to draw more buyers to your listings!
Starting next month, you'll have additional characters--to include more keywords and descriptors to get your listings in front of more interested buyers. Be sure to start using all 80 characters in your listing titles as soon as they are available the first week in September.

Another reason may be a sales in if it came from a storage auction the seller got it cheap so his asking price is a good deal....... Many people don't research items they just buy them.........

Offline bwd111

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Like in my state its in the newspaper and online telling people not to support those that buy from storage auctions. They state before you buy online ask the person if this was bought at a storage auction and if so tell them you dont support people that buy from these types of people. Its stupid and you lose out on sales because of it.

Offline MovieMan

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Like in my state its in the newspaper and online telling people not to support those that buy from storage auctions. They state before you buy online ask the person if this was bought at a storage auction and if so tell them you dont support people that buy from these types of people. Its stupid and you lose out on sales because of it.

Is this a newspaper story, a newspaper editorial, a newspaper advertisement ? I would be interested in the FORM this newspaper item takes .

Online, what is the URL so we can take a look at it.    Thanks!

Could be to stop some questions,i.e does it come from a stop smoking home?

Oops.Could be to stop some questions,i.e does it come from a non smoking home?

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Saw this today. Some guy is selling what he claims to be random or mystery boxes from storage units that are supposedly "unsorted" he has too much to go through.

Expect to get old dishrags, underwear and maybe some tupperware if your lucky lol.

Offline Bandit

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  I'll take 3 boxes , one from the bottom left back corner , one from the middle rear , and one from the top right corner
  His post is a little confusing   , it looks like He is offering ( 1 ) One Box at an auction starting price of    $ 5.00 with a Buy it Now of  $85.00 ?  plus Shipping of $ 16.00 each ??   ::)

  I think I will go for the three boxes with BiN  ( 3 X $85 ) for $ 255.  plus USPS expedited shipping at     $ 75.00 ea. ( I can't wait a week to make $$$$ )  for a total of  $ 480. 00    ;D
 Bandit   ROFPIP
  According to His Fraud Bay Feedback , most of His auctions go for $.99 ?  or for example a $ 20 dollar bill for $ 21.00   ::)

Saw this today. Some guy is selling what he claims to be random or mystery boxes from storage units that are supposedly "unsorted" he has too much to go through.

Expect to get old dishrags, underwear and maybe some tupperware if your lucky lol.

yep - same old ploy with a new title.  That is like all of the unsearched jars of coins with 100% wheat cents.  How can you be sure it's 100% wheat cents unless it's been searched.

As for "Storage Auction" in the title.  They are using the popularity of the shows to try and draw more crowds to their auction.  I'm sure people are going to ebay and just searching "storage auction" to see what all people claim to have found.

Offline rulesforrebels

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There's a pair of panties sitting in the corner of my garage that's from a unit like 3 years ago. I'm always too lazy just to pick it up and throw it out, it's behind a couch and a bathroom vanity I have out there.

I'm giong to pick it up, with a stick of course lol, and take some pics and put it on ebay

Nasty Old Pair Of Panties "From Storage Auction" and see if it sells lol.

There's a pair of panties sitting in the corner of my garage that's from a unit like 3 years ago. I'm always too lazy just to pick it up and throw it out, it's behind a couch and a bathroom vanity I have out there.

I'm giong to pick it up, with a stick of course lol, and take some pics and put it on ebay

Nasty Old Pair Of Panties "From Storage Auction" and see if it sells lol.

Its not if. it's how much ;)

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