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What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?

Offline MovieMan

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What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:00:26 PM »
Here's are 19 responses to that question.

I'll share my worst experience when it's over and done progress now. these and if you like put YOUR worst eBay horror stories in here too.  ;D

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 01:33:32 PM »
anything with pickup options. since there's no tracking number all a buyer has to do is say they never got the item and they get their money back. thats why you never take paypal for a pickup. i got burned like this.

guy did this to me after he had me drop the item off at his home. not only was i surprised b/c i went out of my way for him and agreed to take pp against my better judgement but he does this to me when he knwos i now know where he lives.

Well guess what I did, I .... well I'll tell ya in 6 years when the statute of limitarions expires lol

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Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 04:55:37 PM »
When using PayPal with pick-up I make it clear that they sign a received statement and have to show proof of ID or I cancel the order. I put that right in the listing.

Offline Alias300

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Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2013, 06:50:33 PM »
Reverse horror story.....worked out fine for me but sucked for seller....

Porsche fender that sells for $750.  Cheapest I've seen is $300 in pretty bad shape.
I won for $80, free shipping.

Well, shipping was $87.   So he's already lost.
Fender comes and its not a described.  Has filler work and fiberglass patches.  Worse than the one I was replacing.

He says he has another.   Now this next part I feel bad about, left lots of bad feedback because I didnt hear from him for two weeks.  Turns out he is a fire fighter and got called to fight wild fires in L.A.
But he should have emailed me.....

Anyway, he sends out another fender.....wrong side.  I send back.   He he sends correct fender.

So in the end the whole thing cost him like $250.

I have no idea why someone would have free shipping on a no reserve item that big and heavy!


Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 10:27:36 PM »

I have no idea why someone would have free shipping on a no reserve item that big and heavy!


What was his feedback number? It was probably a rookie mistake. I know I made a few of them when I started selling on eBay, and for that matter, still do. I learn from my mistakes and move on.

Offline Alias300

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Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2013, 01:18:07 PM »
I don't know.
But he sold a lot.   He parted out old Porsches.    But mostly the smalls stuff.
I added it up one month and he had done something like $2500 in sales and mostly $25-$50 stuff.
Think this was his first move into selling the body metal.   He didn't even know that he fenders were welded on.   He listed them with out pulling them off first.  Looked like he used a saws all to cut inner fender.  That kinda pissed me off.   You know how hard it is to separate a fender from inner when its not attached to the car?!   

Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 09:00:48 PM »
I think mos tof experiences as a seller is a horror story. Ebay is great for collectibles but their rules and regulations have ruined the seller experience.

Now its always pins and needles after every item is sold wondering what complaint or low dsr will I get. I mean people on ebay there is something wrong with them. I list something used they leave negative saying item was used and not new !

they complain and only way to make them happy is some money back , etc, etc.  plenty of good experiences but you always scared when will the shoe drop again.

Oh here is  great horror story of mine .. So ebay collection calls me and demands I pay them for a month of none payment , I tell them I already paid, they say no , it did not go through. I tell them yes I did not  have money on paypal at the time so I paid again with paypal one time payment. they said it did not go through. So they put me on 3 way with paypal and paypal says according to them payment went through.   Ebay insists I pay again. I tell them I cannot even pay because if I make another payment it will only show for next month.  They say go make a payment and we will make sure it does not go toward the next month payment. So I do and it goes through and I say ok. I paid.  during this time my paypal payment from earlier was pending.   Next day both payments go through for 4 grand each and Im screwed.   Now I call and tell them that both went through, they say there is no way I could have made two payments and it was something I did myself.  that they only credit the difference between what I owe for the next month and the amount I paid. I had like 3k already in fees at the time. So I would only get 1k back plus it would take two weeks so I might not get anything back when they finally refund because I kept on selling.

I said well how the heck am I suppose to ship all these items , you took all my money from paypal I had reserved for these items to be shipped. they said email my customers and they could not help me with that. So of course I got a lot of low dsr scores even though I emailed because I had to wait a couple of days to get money and send out these packages a lot of packages.  so my account goes below standard and ebay restricts how many items I can sell a month to only three thousand dollars worth down from 150k worth and they hold my money on paypal.

what the heck , stopped using them then.  I have collectibles and car parts backed up now . Got to find another way to sell them. So if anyone has any suggestions let me know.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2013, 09:12:43 PM »
ebay restricts how many items I can sell a month to only three thousand dollars worth down from 150k worth and they hold my money on paypal.

If you are actually selling $150,000 a month on eBay you have NO reason to complain and would be foolish to stop using them.

Offline dbr831

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Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2013, 10:00:56 PM »
Aww you poor thing. That's all I gotta say about that....

Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2013, 10:15:54 PM »
Aww you poor thing. That's all I gotta say about that....

no I said the amount I could sell went down from 150k a month to 3k a month , my limit went down. I would never sell 150k a  month on ebay. I would cry with all the poops that happen there

Offline MovieMan

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Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2013, 10:20:33 PM »

no I said the amount I could sell went down from 150k a month to 3k a month , my limit went down. I would never sell 150k a  month on ebay. I would cry with all the poops that happen there

I figured that, but it was MY intention to inquire whether you could legitimately LIST more than $3,000 a month in the first place?  I know I couldn't.

eBay often does weird things like allow one to place 50,000 ads free "this week". Even a large business wouldn't be able to do that.  Sure there are businesses which have 150,000 feedback, but that didn't happen in a year (or if it did they had one HECK of a product they were selling).

Re: What's Your Worst eBay Horror Story ?
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2013, 10:37:32 PM »
if you have a limit every 30 days you can request that limit be lifted usually they go to small amount to 12k then double every month after

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