Hooookay I'm exhausted. Had to wake up around 5 to get there extra early to get a spot at the flea today. Overall, I'd say it was well worth it. We got an $80 profit which I consider good since we had about a third of the inventory of the regulars. It was a good experience and we met some of the regulars who were, for the most part, very kind.
We're planning on reinvesting our profit into picking at thrift stores and goodwill and that kind of thing. One of the regulars told us we could get children's jackets and hats and such with sport team's logos on them for around a dollar at goodwill and they sell all day at $3. I thought I was very fortunate to get any information from any of the regulars. Of course, I've gotten so much advice from all of you, but you're not my local competition. I suppose he has enough of a clientele to not have to worry about us newbies

A couple of entertaining parts of our experience:
My friend/partner has been trying to sell his hookah and once he set it up, it attracted a LOT of attention. Had so many people call it a bong we put up a sign saying that it indeed was NOT a bong. Several people who grew up in the 70's had visible nostalgia and cracked some jokes with us about it.
We were given a spot right next to this funny Asian man who sells all kinds of knives, swords, kendo equipment, etc. We got a little runoff traffic from people who saw his shiny metal, so that was pretty awesome. He was a really cool guy, though his accent was difficult to understand.
It was a good day. I got some sunburn on my face and some money in my pocket. Can't wait till next time!