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First weekend of the year

First weekend of the year
« on: January 06, 2012, 12:08:39 PM »
Well I just reserved a booth at the flea market for Saturday.  Kept waffeling back and forth if should go.  Weather has been in the 30s - 40s but is suppose to be in upper 60s, almost 70 with 5-10 mph winds and 20% chance of rain.  My luck it will rain all dang day.

Anyone sold at the flea at start of a new year right after xmas?  Will report back Saturday night on how well did or didn't do.

Place wasn't sold out so this may be a lost cause.

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Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 02:19:34 PM »

Anyone sold at the flea at start of a new year right after xmas?  Will report back Saturday night on how well did or didn't do.

I sold Saturday, Christmas Eve and did well. I sold Saturday, New Years Eve and did OK. I'll be there Saturday the 7th and see what happens.

My feeling is people didn't get everything they wanted for Christmas, they are always looking for a bargain or a special item, some people (kids as an example) got money for Christmas and are ready to spend it.

The thing that would bother me would be that wind you're talking about. As bothersome as rain. With only a 20% chance of rain you should be OK.

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Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2012, 02:38:19 PM »
We are doing our monthly yard tomorrow. And going to hit the Flea next weekend. Got a heads up on the two Flea markets we have been Brain F**%!** for the past two months.

 Could not decide witch to try out first. Kept saying we need to go as customers and see what the scoop is and would never make it.

We get caught up in the yard sale finds. Still making money but winning the Procrastinators award for the year.

The lead we got was the one closer to us does good on Sunday. So we will reserve or spot for next weekend and see what happens.

Good Luck Craiglstauction... Get out of the dumps and sell some stuff.  :)

Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2012, 06:12:48 PM »
Well Mr. Murphy decided to take a small dump on me after work.  On way home from work and thinking about what to take Saturday my check engine light came on and my oil pressure display was showing 0.  Called brother-in-law to come and get me with his truck and trailer.  So instead of making money I'll be spending money to fix my truck.  Talked about being pissed.

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Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2012, 05:07:18 AM »
Well Mr. Murphy decided to take a small dump on me after work.  On way home from work and thinking about what to take Saturday my check engine light came on and my oil pressure display was showing 0.  Called brother-in-law to come and get me with his truck and trailer.  So instead of making money I'll be spending money to fix my truck.  Talked about being pissed.

Man that stinks. Hope nothing major wrong. Our truck has a bad sensor, if you stop at a store and the engine is off for only a few minutes does not like to start up. The sensor is $250 so have not replaced it just set and wait for it to decide when it wants to start.

Mr. Murphy got me on the weather, bragging about how nice Florida is in the winter. 21 degrees the other day.

Hope you can get it fixed and sell next weekend.  ;)

Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2012, 06:56:48 PM »
Well it was a very nice day today.  Only a slight breeze and nice warm weather.  Don't know how the flea would of turned out.  Will talk to a few of the vendors Sunday when go out there w/ father to buy a canopy.  Luck turned around some at least.  Truck turned out to be a bad oil sensor.  So $45 for the sensor which was a PITA to replace.  Also got my trailer jack installed on my trailer so that will help me when want to load the trailer night before or have a load from a unit on it and don't want to unload.

Also made a sale on 1 book I posted on half.com last night.  Only about a $6 profit after fees but since books don't sell at the flea is money I would not of gotten.

Hope ya'll had a good day at your yard sale.

Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2012, 07:44:08 AM »
Well....we kept waffling about whether to go or not.  Decided that winter weather is too iffy and since we've been runnin' right about 70 degrees we ought to make the best of it.  Left a bit later than usual, couldn't get 'our' space and ended up in what turned out to be a not so good location.

Lots of people, but with our depleted inventory, bad location and late start......we had a crap day.
Oh well......still made a bit of money, but dang.....would have rather have been home soakin' up the sun and working on some projects.

We've got a busy week ahead.  I'm taking the girls to church, while Don will be hitting a new auction here.  Hopefully he lands a decent unit.  If not.......we have our mega-auction-week ahead.  We need to score at least one unit this week or we could be in some trouble as far as this business goes.  With a 3 caravan on Mon, large one on Tues, 3 separate caravans on Wed, another on Thurs.......we should score a locker. ***fingers crossed***

Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2012, 05:31:56 PM »
Dang rockin - wish I had that in my area.  Have 2 this week and 2 next week but not "that" busy.  Hopefully you will pick the right ones to hit on your 3 caravan day and have a small crowd.

I hit the flea today with father so he could buy some tarps.  Talked to some of my competetion to see how they been doing and one of the vendors on the row I normally sell at.  Per the vendor Saturday was slow till after 2pm which is unusual.  She said only made $1 till 2 and then things picked up steady.  Sold all of her "milk cups" and other items.  She had bare spots on her shelfs so she well the last 2 hours of the day.

I made $200 on a CL post.  May could of made more but was happy with the sell.  Gives me more cash for this week.

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Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2012, 04:39:54 AM »
Well Craig did not do that great at Yard Sale. Mental note for next year may just skip this month all together on the yard sale stuff. LOL

And yeah Rockin we are like Craig  two this week with a small count. Good luck.

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Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2012, 12:06:32 PM »
Two posts on this forum from Brent31976 (one above). Both are SPAM.

Drew has been notified.

Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2012, 09:03:39 AM »
Well I talked to another vendor from the flea.  He said during the winter months they have a 40% reduction in foot traffic.  It sort of sucks as I'm starting to build up inventory and no great way to sell all the yardsale / flea items.

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Re: First weekend of the year
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2012, 07:05:59 AM »
Well I talked to another vendor from the flea.  He said during the winter months they have a 40% reduction in foot traffic.  It sort of sucks as I'm starting to build up inventory and no great way to sell all the yardsale / flea items.

Little bit further south. This is the time to sell sell. have to reserve a spot at the Flea. In the hot months the sells will go down. So guess we all suffer a slow time.

Won my first unit of the year...

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