Storage Auctions

Had a good day at our local swap meet~

Had a good day at our local swap meet~
« on: April 23, 2012, 09:49:56 AM »
Saturday found us out up and early at one of our local flea markets (swap meet in the desert southwest).  With threats of temps of over 100 degrees we hit it early and were set up by 7.  90% of sales came from the 'new' inventory from our outdoorsy (guys) locker.  We did just over $400 before crowds dwindled and temps rose by 10 am.  It was the shortest time we've ever spent selling there and one of the best.

A few weeks ago I had a lady interested in old pyrex casserole.  I told her $10.  She waffled, so I said "For you, $8."  She looked at me and back at the item and said "I'm going to take it and pay you the $10".  I was surprised as I've never had anybody give up a discount before.  Well Saturday we had one top that.

Haggled (pleasantly) with a guy over a couple items totaling $8 (originally $9) and he paid and left.  About an hour later he walked up and handed me a brown paper bag.  He said "you're working him too hard.  He needs nourishment, so here's a couple tacos."  Too funny!  Sometimes the haggling is just for the sport of it and not really about the $$$!  Oh and the tacos were killer!!

It had been 3 weeks since we had been out selling (yard sale then weather prevented it previous weeks).  We debated selling at the larger meet, but figured we needed to touch base with some of our regulars at our junkers swap meet.  Glad we did.  Made some quick cash and few new friends.

Oh.....had one guy tell us that the runway beacon was in fact used on radio towers and said he'd pay cash right then if I installed it for him~
I weigh a whoppin' 120 lbs~I had to laugh and declined his offer~ :D

Re: Had a good day at our local swap meet~
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 11:16:10 AM »
Sounds like you had a spectacular day Rockin!

I did not sell at the swap this weekend. I had sold a couple of our horse corrals (note to self....never, ever sell another corral!) and they showed up Friday around 5pm to begin cutting them and planned on moving them Saturday morning. By 6pm I had a yard full of trucks, about 5 men all giving instructions to the two actually doing the work and a backhoe that no one really knew how to run!

I had 6 Olde English Bulldogges, 1 poodle, 1 chihuahua and 1 kelpie in the house madder than heck, I could not let them out due to the big gate was open to allow the guys to come and go! Hubby ended up running the hoe...mainly in order to save the waterlines and sprinkler heads and to help move the whole operation at little faster towards completion.

The plan quickly went from just doing the cuts to loading the whole mess onto a this time it is dark. I turned on our big pen lights and hoped no one ran into water spigots that now were just sticking straight up in the middle of nothing. As they were loading the trailer it became apparent that there would not be room for everything and they would be back in the morning (Saturday) to pick up the rest - the rest being feeders, water troughs and the shade cover that they managed to break into two pieces thinking they could just lift the whole 15X20ft thing with the hoe bucket without removing the tin.

By 9:30pm and more trips to the cooler for frosty adult beverages than they really needed things started to wind down, trucks were leaving and we managed to finally close the gate and let the dogs out by 10pm. was almost 100 degrees on Saturday and I still have the troughs, feeders and the busted cover in my yard. :o The new plan is to shoot for Tuesday evening....hubby says he is not coming home until I give the all clear!

So I missed the swap.......

Re: Had a good day at our local swap meet~
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 08:01:58 PM »
Well my last two trips to my best flea market have been  :(  Sold about $150 after table rent first Sat. (Easter Weekend) this month and $103 after rent this past Sat.  Running low on better selling items and still have lots of good clothes that aren't selling very fast.  My building is still to full of the vintage building materials that I plan to do some work on to sell.  Will probably go looking for a locker some time early in May to restock.  Just glad this is a hobby for me and not my way of earning a living!

Re: Had a good day at our local swap meet~
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2012, 07:52:55 AM »
That is great Rockin.  I did $180 the saturday before easter.  Last saturday I had auction and yard sales.  This past saturday was a meeting and hitting some yard sales.  This saturday is trip to Carowinds with daughter so no selling.  First saturday of next month is the big army post spring flea market/yard sale - whatever want to call it.  Paid the $45 to support the troops so don't know how well I will do in sales.  Trying to figure out what to take out there that I can fit in my 10x10 space.

Hope the sales keep coming for everyone.

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