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How do you price clothing at flea markets?

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How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:30:02 PM »
Looking for some help in how to price clothing at flea markets.

What woud you charge for tshirts?

Nice but no name brand pants, shorts, etc?

Not high end name brand but womens clothes like bebe, express, forever 21, etc? Tops and or pants or skirts?

I know all this depends on the item and stuff but just want to get a general idea. Or do you not price and just kind of go on a case by case basis and throw out a number and see how people react and go from there?

Also do you normally price your items with tags or no?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 10:45:55 PM »
If I sell clothing, it's sports jackets (Lakers, etc) and they are usually extra clean. Sometimes I will try them on eBay first, sometimes not. If they are the kind that sell for $100 at the store I usually ask $40 and stick to it.

I only sell new T-Shirts (ones that have never been worn) and depending on the design I ask $2 to $4.

I sell uniform jackets, pants, etc. A used olive colored jacket with fur collar worn  by some police, etc goes for $80 new and again I ask $40 and go from there.

Jeans, for me they have to be Levis. New with tags I get $15 and stick to that price. They don't want to pay it, someone else will. Used Levis, $5 to $8. Again I stick with the prices.

All other clothing (unless double deluxe) goes in black garbage bags and sells by the bag to the clothing lady across from me for $5 a bag. She can make $40 or more, but I don't have to hang them, sort them (possibly clean them) etc.

My best sale was probably a crew jacket (from a movie crew) for an Industrial Light and Magic film...don't remember the title. Got $100 for that on eBay.

Name brand sneakers (Nike, Vans, etc) usually $20 to $30 if they are $60 to $80 shoes. Best was $70 (or so) for a pair of green Fighting Irish shoes...on eBay.

Hope this helps.

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 02:49:39 PM »
Great information.  I was thinking about asking the same question.  I know I will eventually get a locker full of clothes, now I have an idea on what to price them at.

To bad I was not into this about 5 years ago.  I bought an abandoned 17' travel trailer.  I popped the lock and it was full of the last owners house hold belongings.   Everything from cothes to tools and electronics.  I didn't know what to do with the clothes since we live in an extremely rural area and would have no garage sale traffic.  I just donated all of the clothes to Goodwill.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2011, 12:56:49 PM »
Great information.  I was thinking about asking the same question.  I know I will eventually get a locker full of clothes, now I have an idea on what to price them at.

To bad I was not into this about 5 years ago.  I bought an abandoned 17' travel trailer.  I popped the lock and it was full of the last owners house hold belongings.   Everything from cothes to tools and electronics.  I didn't know what to do with the clothes since we live in an extremely rural area and would have no garage sale traffic.  I just donated all of the clothes to Goodwill.

Most of the time, at least a good 1/4 to half of a locker is clothes, that and junk and personals. (I may be overexatering here of course :) )

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2011, 02:05:28 AM »
Most of the time, at least a good 1/4 to half of a locker is clothes, that and junk and personals. (I may be overexatering here of course :) )

That is pretty much what I expect.  The way I am looking at it is:  When I had my storage units, what did I store in them? 

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2011, 10:24:46 PM »

That is pretty much what I expect.  The way I am looking at it is:  When I had my storage units, what did I store in them? 
Ya but you cant base that for every unit. Some units have nothing but good stuff. Others have nothing but junk and trash. Please take a look at my worst unit, you will see what I mean. As well as looking at my best unit. Hell for that matter Mr A just cashed in big time. Best advice, bid on what you see, and take a small gamble with what you dont see. Not every unit will have a WOW factor, truth be known, most lockers dont have a wow factor. I myself have been lucky where I get some kind of wow factor in MAJORITY of my units. Even if that happens to you, dont let it get to your head :)

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2011, 08:16:47 PM »
Ya but you cant base that for every unit. Some units have nothing but good stuff. Others have nothing but junk and trash. Please take a look at my worst unit, you will see what I mean. As well as looking at my best unit. Hell for that matter Mr A just cashed in big time. Best advice, bid on what you see, and take a small gamble with what you dont see. Not every unit will have a WOW factor, truth be known, most lockers dont have a wow factor. I myself have been lucky where I get some kind of wow factor in MAJORITY of my units. Even if that happens to you, dont let it get to your head :)

You will always be wanting a major hit, but just like anything else, just plan on making at least some profit, and when/if you hit big, you will be pleasantly surprised.  If you go into any bidding expecting to score majorly, you will be extremely dissapointed and turned off when it does not turn out.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2011, 11:07:32 AM »
Which is pretty much what I was trying to say :)

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2011, 10:20:05 PM »
$1 a piece.  If it's brand new or whatever I just sell online/keep.  Flea markets are just to full of clothes for people to really care unless your booth is dedicated to that and fashion. 

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2011, 01:23:20 PM »
2$ For shirts 3$ for shorts 4$ for pants and polo"s

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2012, 07:10:34 PM »
If it's high end, name brand or brand new I'll sell separate, but regular walmart style, etc. I sell 3 dollars a bag. Everyone knows that there are A LOT of clothes found in units. I used to just donate all of them. Since I pay 4 bucks per 8x4ft table at the flea market, I get a table just for the clothes and let people fill a grocery bag as full as they can get it for 3 dollars. I can usually make somewhere around 60-80 dollars, maybe more on any given Saturday doing that. It may not sound like much, or worth the trouble, but I don't have to wash them or sort the sizes.

Offline Cobia

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Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2012, 08:33:04 AM »
If it's high end, name brand or brand new I'll sell separate, but regular walmart style, etc. I sell 3 dollars a bag. Everyone knows that there are A LOT of clothes found in units. I used to just donate all of them. Since I pay 4 bucks per 8x4ft table at the flea market, I get a table just for the clothes and let people fill a grocery bag as full as they can get it for 3 dollars. I can usually make somewhere around 60-80 dollars, maybe more on any given Saturday doing that. It may not sound like much, or worth the trouble, but I don't have to wash them or sort the sizes.

I tried that at my flea except I was doing a grocery bag for $1 but I got very little interest. I even had one guy who only wanted to buy two shirts. I told him to fill up the bag. He said "No, I'm not greedy! *handtohead* Maybe I will try to $1 a bag technique again this spring and see if interest has changed. Oh, and I was selling the name brand clothes for $1 a bag. Walmart brands go straight to Goodwill.

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2012, 08:47:38 AM »
Have you guys tried selling clothes on CL? In my area, I see totes full of certain sizes for $30-40. I'm not sure about adult clothes, but it may be worth a shot.

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2012, 12:20:07 PM »
I've not tried any CL post for cloths.  I see people do it I just don't know if would have any interest.  Except for the email spam people validating the email.  I may try it for heck of it.

Most cloths I get also hit Goodwill.  I just can't seem to move them at all.  Keeping only about 10% of what I find in units currently to try selling in March.  Most everything else is going to donation.  When I'm doing my unit estimation and I see trash bags w/ cloths I either don't count them at all or use $5.  Figure I can get maybe 5 articles out of a trash bag that are not torn, rip, stain, etc. that can donate to Goodwill.  If can actually find something worth money and sell that is just a faster way to get into the black on that unit.

Re: How do you price clothing at flea markets?
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2012, 09:00:37 PM »
I tried that at my flea except I was doing a grocery bag for $1 but I got very little interest. I even had one guy who only wanted to buy two shirts. I told him to fill up the bag. He said "No, I'm not greedy! *handtohead* Maybe I will try to $1 a bag technique again this spring and see if interest has changed. Oh, and I was selling the name brand clothes for $1 a bag. Walmart brands go straight to Goodwill.
The median household income for my county is just over 32 grand a year. mexican immigrants have been on the rise around here too for the last few years, and I have learned they will buy a lot of used clothes. I don't speak much spanish, but my 10 year old son converses with them just fine. (thus, he is just as important with me on saturday mornings as anything

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