I really wish I had a thirft store I could consign some stuff at. In my area all of those stores are some of the very people I compete against for lockers.
Yes that has been a blessing to us. She does want to attend auctions, but she has no time, too busy running the store. Her husband is currently not working (construction). So he may attend. We went down there today. Boy am I glad he has not been working! With the dilemma of merchandise in the parking lot, her husband cleaned out two rooms that were not open (had just junk in them) the place looked really good.
We have a lot of consignment shops but they charge 50% and up. Too rich for my blood.

Ouch - they don't let you bring additional tables in? Think I'd pass on that place. Our flee you get a 10 x 10 space for $12 that comes with a wood table.
Yes we have two markets that are really messed up in my opinion.
We went to a new indoor market today. Nice place. They are open 6 days a week. a 12 X12 inside space $150 a month. Out in a storage building $125 a month. Only good thing you sell when you want and you can leave your stuff there. We liked it but not sure how to best utilize it yet. Did see a fellow storage buyer there.
Went to the one we have talked about and were wishy washy on.
We are in paid our money for Tomorrow. A whole $15 comes with 2 tables and we can bring some in. Like yours can us your parking space. They even knew what spaces were already taken.

It was busy today too. Talked to a Vendor (bought a pair of boots from him) husband was trying to haggle, So I told him we would be here Tomorrow so he could return the favour. He said he cleared over $400 today. He also said he is normally only there on Sunday, and has not cleared that much in awhile.
So I am stoked we are finally moving forward on this part. Decided to only take what is already packed in the van. Cannot see out of the back. We mainly have the kids clothes so hope we sell a LOT. We did not see any vendors with kids clothes ++++++ There was a clothes vendor not there today, stuff covered up.
I am taking my clip board and will do my best on keeping a tally on the clothing. Will post that on the other thread. Hopefully it will be better than what we sold in our Yard. LOL