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Another garage sale

Another garage sale
« on: October 01, 2011, 08:54:29 PM »
So we just had another sale this weekend and friday was a total bust. Not one sale but tuns of lookers. Today sold only bout 70 worth of items. Unfortunately those items were the ones I bought at garage sales and sold for a 50% profit ( dang cheapos) going to have a last yard sale and literally post everywhere within 10 miles and craigslist and stores and everything. The inventory must go before I can buy more. must get shed ready for the snow or I be in big trouble lol. Might just make fliers and put them in mail boxs as im dirbing down the road hehe perfect way to get it advertised.

Re: Another garage sale
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2011, 01:41:17 PM »
Good Luck!

Re: Another garage sale
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2011, 04:21:51 PM »
Word of caution - don't put the fliers "IN" the mailbox or you could get into some trouble.  Some postal code that if something is in a mailbox it must have postage paid, etc.  Not sure if the same applies for your area or not.  I just know avon, campaign fliers, etc. get taped to a mailbox or put in the paper box but not inside the mailboxes in my area.

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Re: Another garage sale
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2011, 05:18:21 PM »
I work for the Post Office and you will definitely be contacted about putting anything IN or ON the actual mailbox. Some postmasters will give a warning call and some won't. They will come for .44 1st class postage for every one they find. If you dodge them they will put the Postal Inspectors on you. Seen it happen many times. Put it in a paperbox or on the post, but don't mess with the box. Not worth the trouble.

Re: Another garage sale
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2011, 08:53:06 PM »
Well im pretty good friends with the postal lady in my town of a couple hundred and everyone kows me and my dad for the most part so I just need to tell her and it will most likely be fine.

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Re: Another garage sale
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2011, 11:15:29 AM »
The one thing about garage sales if your trying to get flea market or retail prices dont bother having one. I literally had people paying me in pennies for .50cent items.

I would have items brand new in packaging for cheap cheap prices and people would still try to haggle me down to a buck.

I accidentally had a pair of brand new coach shoes i hadn't planned on selling at the sale but on ebay. someone asked i told them $8 they wnated them for two these had never been worn. wound up getting like $55 plus shipping on ebay.

garage sales basically you have to just take whatever somnene is willing to pay usually under $2 or your wasting your time. I normally make my profit and then hav ea garage sale and am basically willing to take anytghing as otherwise its going to good will.

I made like $150 my last garage sale i think my highest priced single item was like $10. Sold an almost full set of noritake china for like $9 sites like replacements sell one piece for like $18-$26 but if you cant sel it on ebay or resale shop what else you going to do with it.

my best customers were the soccer mom types who werent totally cheap. i had TONS of name brand clothes limited, guess, forever 21, bebe, dkny, d&g and was basically telling theese moms who wnatd a bunch of stuff fill up a garbage bag and we'll come to a fair price.

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