Storage Auctions

First yard sale this year

First yard sale this year
« on: March 25, 2012, 11:05:45 AM »
We had a yard sale at my sisters house, we didn't advertise.   We put up signs around her neighborhood the morning of the yard sale and  by the time we got back to her house people were there. We stayed busy all day.  It was a very pretty day, and people were out in crowds! 

We did really well $405.   We plan to have another next weekend or maybe the next.  We sold a ton of clothes!  I was ready to donate them, they are all name brand.  We have plenty more things that we can add to the sale, and maybe some of our furniture too.


Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 06:01:21 PM »
That sounds great man.  I've not tried a yardsale yet.  Mostly keep hitting the flea.  Will have to try it one day.

Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 12:19:23 AM »
Congrats.Good luck next weekend.

Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2012, 07:53:44 PM »
I had another yard sale saturday.   

We did pretty well.   $430 this time like $405 last time. 

I also went to flea last Wed and made $130.   I haven't bought any units in about a month, and I still have plenty to sell.  I have been going to different auction houses and buying pieces.

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Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 07:17:15 AM »
We had our first yard sale this weekend. I am going to compare it to selling at the flea market.

Last three times selling at the flea market, 2 Saturdays and 1 Sunday:
 Total sales                                          $553.00
Total expenses (gas & table rentals)      $105.00
Amount towards (C.O.G.S.)                  $448.00

Two day yard sale Friday and Saturday:
Total sales                                                $875.00
Total expenses (paper signs & drinks,ice)    $ 32.00
Amount towards (C.O.G.S.)                       $843.00

Not only did we nearly double our income doing a yard sale, we did it with the left over inventory that didn't sell at the flea market the last several trips! I am sure we would have made much more if we had all the original inventory that we took to the flea market.

I think having yard sales will be my primary market and the flea market secondary.

Other observations, furniture sold well but had to bring the price way down from what it was advertised on Craigslist. That kind of makes sense cause Craigslist is dying out for us, very few calls on furniture. The $.50 or $1.00 table works great for moving smalls at the flea market, customers avoided the $.50 - $1.00 table at the yard sale like the plague! They were much more comfortable finding something they liked and paying $2 to $5 for it or getting a hand full of things and paying $5 - $10.

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Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 10:07:43 AM »
I think having yard sales will be my primary market and the flea market secondary.


How many yard sales can you have a year?  In my area it is 2 a year. If you are in a neighborhood where they don't care about the traffic, parking, people movement you could probably have more, but this is one reason I don't do yard neighbors wouldn't go for it.

I also live in a small cul-de-sac with a subsequently small front yard  and driveway is in the back, so just doesn't work for me.

On the other hand the flea market is wide open, has a regular large crowd and has done well for me over the years, so am sticking with it. I pay by the month, but don't have to go if I don't want to, but so far the only time I miss is when I have a planned vacation and usually then, I only miss one Saturday by taking a 10 to 13 day vacaction.  The only other time I miss is when it gets rained out, and I get a "rain day" credit for that 5 times a year which has always been enough.

The "rain day" has now been named a "vacation day" and again I can take up to five a year (total rain or vacation) and it has worked out well. One year we had 4 rain days in about two months, but that was unusually high.

Though everybody and his brother (almost) has an inflated idea of the value of "their" stuff, bargains are still found at garage/yard sales in my area. It's the "estate" sales that often have inflated prices.

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Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2012, 07:20:29 AM »
Lucky for me there are no code enforcement laws or H.O.A. regulations against having yard sales where I live, but I am smart enough to know that if I tried to have a yard sale every weekend that would cause a problem. I am thinking of having up to 6 yard sales a year (weather & inventory permitting), 3 in the spring & 3 in the fall. Between the yard sales I will probably go to the flea market in the middle of summer and winter when there is less competition.

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Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2012, 08:32:40 PM »
After way to much work to find out our local ordinance's on yard sales I have found out.....nothing.

No one seems to know. So I'm going with, I'm not going to have more than 2 by the end of the year and they probably won't even know.

We have plenty of parking. Cool neighbors. And my friends husband is chief of police.   ;)
 I'm just going for it.

Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2012, 01:38:13 AM »
Congratulations Cobia, you are doing pretty well, $843 is an great amount :D
I am looking forward for an Yard sale next week, let's see what happens..

Offline Cobia

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Re: First yard sale this year
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2012, 08:01:47 AM »
Thanks Javier,

The last yard sale was only a little over $600. Bought a bunch of junk units in May & June so trying to work through that garbage and get back to some good ones. Most everyone has noticed the quality of units up for auction around the country has been poor.

Held my first yard sale today in over a year......actually kind of fun!

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