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Yard Sale Prices

Yard Sale Prices
« on: October 22, 2011, 06:34:18 PM »
My daughter should be done with soccer and everything else on the weekends at the end of the month.  So I'm hoping to do our first yard sale to unload all the inventory I've gotten in the last two months.  I have a ton of cloths, books, music items (Cds, tapes, and records), VHS tapes and DVDs, and all sorts of odds and ends.  I was wondering what some of you price your stuff at?  I was thinking for myself in a town outside of a city next to a military base I'd use the following:

older paperback books - $.50
newer paperback books - $1
VHS / tapes / records - $.25
CDs - $1
DVDs - $1 - $5
baby cloths - $.50
kids cloths - $1
adult cloths (shrits) - $2
adult cloths (pants) - $4

Just some general ideas.  Figure if I can come up with a general price list it would save me time from trying to mark everything w/ a price.  Things like the furniture, weapons, and such I'd price seperate.  Figure if I make $200 I'm doing great, $400 would put me back in the black even after keeping a ton of stuff.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 05:34:08 AM »
Sounds like you got it. I have done clothes at .25 a piece. Usually walks away. Had a lady say oh that is not enough take two dollars for two pieces. Another idea I have taken small misc. stuff that you can't really price separately if you did it would be a penny, ie plastic kitchen stuff and put something with it that you know will sell like Ice trays and tape it all together and ask two bucks. Got have those ice trays and look I get all this stuff with them. Good luck hope you get into the black.

Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 07:00:18 PM »
Also encourage multiple purchase i.e. 5 paperbacks 2.00.3 pairs of pants 10.00 ect.

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Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 08:48:10 PM »
Your prices are way too low. Small tools I price at $100, power tools $300, clothing $150 per article, etc.
You'd be surprised at how many government people come around and buy everything I have. ::)

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Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 07:53:18 AM »
Your prices are way too low. Small tools I price at $100, power tools $300, clothing $150 per article, etc.
You'd be surprised at how many government people come around and buy everything I have. ::)

  You can't fool Me , Your really waiting for the Auction Hunters producers to come to Boston again so You can sell them some rare New England treasures brought over with the Pilgrims to find . ( instead of having to carry tank cannon barrels and bicycles from the Left Coast .)
It would be  too obvious to buy something from a " Skinners Auction " then discover it a week later in a locker . 

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Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 10:09:00 AM »
A couple of dives down to the Titanic and I'll have a set of those same pieces. :)

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Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2011, 09:39:06 PM »
My daughter should be done with soccer and everything else on the weekends at the end of the month.  So I'm hoping to do our first yard sale to unload all the inventory I've gotten in the last two months.  I have a ton of cloths, books, music items (Cds, tapes, and records), VHS tapes and DVDs, and all sorts of odds and ends.  I was wondering what some of you price your stuff at?  I was thinking for myself in a town outside of a city next to a military base I'd use the following:

older paperback books - $.50
newer paperback books - $1
VHS / tapes / records - $.25
CDs - $1
DVDs - $1 - $5
baby cloths - $.50
kids cloths - $1
adult cloths (shrits) - $2
adult cloths (pants) - $4

Just some general ideas.  Figure if I can come up with a general price list it would save me time from trying to mark everything w/ a price.  Things like the furniture, weapons, and such I'd price seperate.  Figure if I make $200 I'm doing great, $400 would put me back in the black even after keeping a ton of stuff.

LOL, thats your problem right there, you keep to damn much stuff man.  Out of 3 units so far I am keeping 2 knives and a indoor glass thermometer(I'll have to take a pic and show you, it's cool but only worth $15 or so bucks).

Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2011, 05:06:14 PM »
Lol acman - ya I know I keep too much stuff.  Or my wife/kids keep too much stuff.  But then again I don't do this for a living.  Long as I have what I call my "gambling money" I'll buy lockers.  Once that is out I'm done till get more.  Is like I tell my oldest daughter.  Once the money is gone it's gone.  So if she wants to keep doing auctions with me she has to help sell stuff and only keep specific stuff.  So the electric globe Buddah is up for sale despite both girls wanting to keep it.

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Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2011, 08:21:08 PM »
Always blame the wife and kids..... Ok I always blame my husband... LOL
So how much for the electric globe Buddah?????

Re: Yard Sale Prices
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2011, 10:30:24 AM »
Well I do keep most of the tools  ;)

I put the Buddah up on CL for $25.  You can buy it from various places online from $27 - $35 plus tax and S&H.

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