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Yard Sales weekend of March 9~

Offline money4nothing

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Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« on: March 09, 2012, 04:51:10 AM »
Set up for yard sale in the sticks.

bunch of misc. stuff, sure did clean out the storage area.  ;D Hopefully want have to put it back.

Went to the thrift and picked up some furniture that has not sold there.  ??? two tables, two book shelves.

If doesn't sell at the yard will post on CL.

Plan on staging for the good Flea market on Mondays (not this Monday have Jury duty  ::) ) Being home can get some things done.

Will keep you updated. 

Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 12:55:56 PM »
Good luck - hope the weather holds! :)

Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2012, 07:09:08 PM »
Good Luck!!!

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Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2012, 07:18:08 PM »
Good luck - hope the weather holds! :)

Wished it did...

Made $27 before the light shower than a heavy shower.  ::)  Had a couple find us before the signs out. LOL

Weather man said 20% chance of rain and scattered. Oh well. did get some things done. Holding out for tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.

Went a head and posted the furniture on CL.

Thanks for the well wishes will carry them into tomorrow.  ;)

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Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2012, 04:28:15 PM »
Well not too bad another $76 dollars. No rain  ;D about what we make at the flea, but we spent no money ;D

Did get things sorted a little better. Got to those things that we have been putting off. Dump run, Scrap pile picked up ect.

So for being in the sticks not to bad, Maybe next month can go back in front of the thrifts nice busy corner.

StorMe we can have two yard sales a month, and more unless someone complains. But we live so far out and two miles down a lime-rock road try to avoid them here. So not to shabby on the out come.

In front of the thrift we do between $300 to $400. The thrift got in trouble with code for stuff in the parking lot so have not been able to go there, but she has gotten a special use permit so maybe the first of next month can go there and do well.  This situation forced us to find other avenues of selling (Flea Markets) So we have learned a lot and have a good one to attend and know what product to take. So all good.

Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2012, 10:12:19 PM »
That is great Money - I may have to try the yard sale thing...but at my mothers location and not mine (better location / parking).

Going to hit the flea myself in the morning (sunday).  Should of gone this morning instead of to auctions but wasn't ready.  Taking more stuff then normal.  May spend another $12 for the space next to me - not decided yet.  Taking all my baby, kids cloths, and a number of adult cloths since got that free rack.  Figure I'll price stuff as $.25 for 2T and under, $.50 for kids, $1 for adult shirts/tops, and $2 for pants.  If don't get any bites will just offer all the jeans to one of the vendors that sales jeans at a quarter each and the rest will hit Goodwill.

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Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 06:22:17 AM »
Good luck Craig.

After pulling everything out and did some sorting got two large boxes going to the goodwill. Think my hoarder side had kicked in and trying to squeeze every penny out of stuff.   ::). did sell a big bag of plastic lids and a few containers for $1.00  LOL

On man crap you can squeeze every penny,  sold some drywall tape that we were going to throw away for $2.00.
Did sell some clothes but have learned less is more. Going to go through again, and only keep the cream of the crop, In original sort missed small wholes and stains, notice when someone shopping  ::)

Have a small plastic clothes hamper rack and hang clothes on it sell more off of it. So your clothes rack should help a lot.

On the less is more if you have 10 hats (have 15 straw hats) if you put them all out want sell a one, if you put 2 out will sell them. Applies to a lot of things.  The hats look like Hoss from bonanza really tall. someone at the flea said I should buy those and paint them yellow and call them husband finder hats, put a flag on them like the car finders. LOL

Anyway good luck today. On the extra space we usually decide when we get there too.

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Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2012, 04:43:34 AM »
Since we stayed home Bob was able to fix a tiller we had picked up at a yard sale. Needed new gas lines. Sold yesterday off of CL.  :D for $75. So that goes into the yard sale total.  ;).

Craiglstauction how the Flea go?

Off to Jury Duty  today ::)

Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2012, 07:23:00 AM »
Hope you don't get picked for Jury duty today.

Flea turned out to be a good day.  Started to worry at first.  We got a late start and didn't get there till almost 9am (clocks didn't autoforward) and they open at 8.  Didn't miss much as few people and vendors were open.  Sales before noon were less then $50.  Last time I was there on a Sunday I made more money in morning then afternoon.  This time it was reversed.  Got more of a crowd after midday, and at the very end of the day at close.

My world coins and paper money sold well again.  CDs and DVDs did pretty well again this week (strange how one week don't move and next do).  Only a few .25 and .50 item sold.  All three of my easter baskets sold, but neither of my easter bunnies.  Got rid of a pair of boots been holding on to.  Did sell some of the cloths but it was touch and go for a bit.  Sold 1 camo GA hat quickly, two pairs of jean shorts, and then in last hour of sale a number of kids/baby cloths (.25 2T and under, kids .50) and 2 kids football / basketball jersy shirts.

Surprises - the digging in box for kids cloths didn't really work till last hour.  Will seperate sizes out in a number of different totes or next time.  Did get a compliment on the high end kids/baby cloths for cheap.  The adult high end cloths, shoes, etc. didn't move.  Most of these are what I call "Black People Style" clothing and most of the shoppers yesterday were white and hispanic.  So I'll save them for a saturday trip.  My hats didn't move - so going to keep only really good ones / logos and send rest to Goodwill.  Jeans I'm going to keep as had some interest in them ($2 pair).  90% of all the other t-shirts, blouses, shirts, etc. are going to Goodwill as soon as I inventory everything.  Have a few boxes of smalls I'm just going to donate to them also.  Tired of sitting on them at this point.

Most of my table is woman/household/kitchen items and cd/dvds.  Need to get more man stuff like tools and electronics.

After expenses I made $150 which is my highest to date.  $30 of that was the cloths rack I sold to one of the vendors.  Since I got it for free and have another was no biggie.

My helper (aka oldest daughter) abandonded me at noon yesterday to make survival bracelets.  The couple next to us that was helping one of the vendors makes them.  They showed my daughter how to and even gave her a ton of bracelets.  She help them make more to sell in return and is now working to make them at home.

All in all a very good day.  Is just time to break out the awning and sun-screen.

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Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2012, 07:40:30 AM »
Hope you don't get picked for Jury duty today.

Flea turned out to be a good day.  Started to worry at first.  We got a late start and didn't get there till almost 9am (clocks didn't autoforward) and they open at 8.  Didn't miss much as few people and vendors were open.  Sales before noon were less then $50.  Last time I was there on a Sunday I made more money in morning then afternoon.  This time it was reversed.  Got more of a crowd after midday, and at the very end of the day at close.

My world coins and paper money sold well again.  CDs and DVDs did pretty well again this week (strange how one week don't move and next do).  Only a few .25 and .50 item sold.  All three of my easter baskets sold, but neither of my easter bunnies.  Got rid of a pair of boots been holding on to.  Did sell some of the cloths but it was touch and go for a bit.  Sold 1 camo GA hat quickly, two pairs of jean shorts, and then in last hour of sale a number of kids/baby cloths (.25 2T and under, kids .50) and 2 kids football / basketball jersy shirts.

Surprises - the digging in box for kids cloths didn't really work till last hour.  Will seperate sizes out in a number of different totes or next time.  Did get a compliment on the high end kids/baby cloths for cheap.  The adult high end cloths, shoes, etc. didn't move.  Most of these are what I call "Black People Style" clothing and most of the shoppers yesterday were white and hispanic.  So I'll save them for a saturday trip.  My hats didn't move - so going to keep only really good ones / logos and send rest to Goodwill.  Jeans I'm going to keep as had some interest in them ($2 pair).  90% of all the other t-shirts, blouses, shirts, etc. are going to Goodwill as soon as I inventory everything.  Have a few boxes of smalls I'm just going to donate to them also.  Tired of sitting on them at this point.

Most of my table is woman/household/kitchen items and cd/dvds.  Need to get more man stuff like tools and electronics.

After expenses I made $150 which is my highest to date.  $30 of that was the cloths rack I sold to one of the vendors.  Since I got it for free and have another was no biggie.

My helper (aka oldest daughter) abandonded me at noon yesterday to make survival bracelets.  The couple next to us that was helping one of the vendors makes them.  They showed my daughter how to and even gave her a ton of bracelets.  She help them make more to sell in return and is now working to make them at home.

All in all a very good day.  Is just time to break out the awning and sun-screen.

I'm right there with you Craigs, Ive found that clothes, unless I think I can get $1 or more, and anything I can't get at least 50 cents for (as long as it's small and doesn't take up space) goes straight to donation. The tax deduction is well worth it.

My tables look like yours, and I need to fight for more of the 'MAN' units at auction. I don't have enough 'MAN' stuff on my tables.

Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2012, 12:16:36 PM »
Well I blame my daughter for how our table looks.  Every time she gets to go to an auction with me I bid and win "girl" units.  That $100 - $200 I spend on the unit is nothing compared to spending the time spent with her cleaning out the unit, sorting, and selling.  May not make my money back but is one of those "who cares".  Is rare to have a 13yr old that is into this stuff or anything to do with daddy.  She even talks about doing this when she gets her license and a truck so can carry MORE stuff.  Now granted, she "shops" these units as she is going over the items.  Thus my cloths and nick-nacks run very heavy to the female side of things.

I do have a box full of car radios, a cross-over, and 3 amps I could sell if knew that they worked.

My man items are down to some 2 sets of golf clubs, some random golf clubs, 2 fishing poles that I just got last month, and 2 old beat up tackle boxes, and 1 large bolt cutter.  Even my dang hammer sold yesterday.

I so got to find a lady that is pissed with her bf / ex-hubby or something and just selling his stuff for pennies on the dollar. 

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Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2012, 06:06:24 AM »
No Jury Duty for me  ;D We were not released until 5:30 PM.  ::)

Met a very nice lady she is a bus driver for middle and high school kids. (hats off to her). She wants to to do storage wars. LOL She brought it up so told her we did it. So she quoted the show. So told her This is Not California. We talked briefly about it. She was not pushy for info.  :o

Well Craig sounds like a good day. yes we are in need of the man stuff too. Swimsuit season is coming so men might be getting in trouble with their wife / girlfriend,  and she sells his stuff.  ;D but in the south we just burn it.  ;)

Another theory on the clothes at the Flea customers may not be in the mood to buy clothes takes time to look. But if you have some every week then they will come prepared of I want to shop in his clothes.

There are always clothes at a yard sale.

Oh and the funny for yesterday, took the lunch break and ran to the vets across town to get the dogs Flea pill. On way back went to turn into McDonald's for a burger and the whole building was gone!!!!!!

Wished I had a picture of my face... The McDonald's has been there for over 40 years. LOL

Need to get out more.

Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2012, 07:40:21 AM »
Oh Girl - I almost spit coke out all over the screen I started to laugh so hard.  Just had a mental picture of my wife doing something like that and the look on her face.  I've had the same thing happen to me in reverse.  One day it's this old store that I pass every day.  Take a week vacation and on way to work pass the same store.  However, it's not the same store it's been torn down and a new one built all in 7 days.  Thought I was lost or something on way to work that morning at first.

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Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2012, 05:32:25 PM »
Oh Girl - I almost spit coke out all over the screen I started to laugh so hard.  Just had a mental picture of my wife doing something like that and the look on her face.  

Glad you are good with repairing computers.  ;)

Re: Yard Sales weekend of March 9~
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2012, 01:08:59 AM »
I had my Yard sale this weekend 4/6 and 4/7. I spent a total of $241.00 on 3 units, gas, and dump fee I made a profit of $70.00. I have 11 Leather coats that did not sell. I tryed ebay and GL anyone in MD. know where to sell them.

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