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Did My First Sale For Bitcoins!!!

Offline rulesforrebels

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Did My First Sale For Bitcoins!!!
« on: December 05, 2013, 08:23:06 AM »
Okay, so typically I don't ship outside of the US. I don't like packages getting held up in customs, I don't like buyers complaining about how long packages take to get to them when it's totally out of my control. Typically if I'm going to ship outside the US, with the exception of Canada, I require people to pay by Cashiers Check and tell them the risk is on them I'm not going to replace a lost package out of my pocket but people want what I sell and can't buy outside of US so all agree.

Anyhow, had someone in south africa want to buy from me. Told them only cashiers check. They message me back 3 more times, I see you accept paypal I wanna pay paypal. She claims you can't buy USD cashiers checks in south africa. Anyhow, not really expecting her to even know what they are I tell her, I've already told you 3 times, I only accept Paypal from US customers, I can take a cashiers check...or I'd be happy to accept Bitcoins as well. Never expected her to have any but sure enough she did and I'm able to ship today. Nice thing is bitcoins hit my wallet this morning so there's not chargebacks and no taking them back.

btw, I'm not trying to screw people but I don't trust foreign post offices or that go between period when its getting shuffled froom USPS to the foreign post office and I don't wana take the risk of lost packages. If customers are willing to take that risk knowing I won't cover lost items thats on them.

$5 In Free Bitcoins Or 0.007 Bitcoins Free EASY

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