Storage Auctions

Book/Record Keeping

Book/Record Keeping
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:34:25 AM »
Hey I'm pretty new to the forum but have been doing auctions for a little while off and on.  However, I decided to get an account so that I can share new find.

If any of you are looking for an easy way to track your expenses and sales while on the run, I've found an awesome little app that helps with it: Balance Book - Profit Tracker.  The website is

I have it on my Android phone and I think they only make it for Androids, but maybe for iPhones as well.

What's really cool is that I can snap a photo of my receipts while creating an entry and it will attach it to that entry.  Probably the best $4.99 I've spent.

FYI, other than using their services, I am in no way associated with the company I'm mentioning.

Hope this helps someone.  Let me know of any other Android apps that any of you have found helpful in this business.


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