Storage Auctions

Bought unit owned by same owner as one from 2 years ago

Offline dbr831

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Bought unit owned by same owner as one from 2 years ago
« on: January 08, 2014, 09:56:10 AM »
There was a unit we bought a couple years ago that was our best unit ever. Paid $500, made over $10,000 profit. At the time there was a comment made by the auctioneer that it was one of three the owner had in three different storage facilities. We have always joked that if another unit owned by "Marie D..." came up we would have to get it. So lately we are not buying any units due to a huge estate we bought 3 months ago that we are still sorting / selling, but we do go to the occasional storage auction just in case there is a unit we just have to have...and because it's fun. So yesterday my husband goes to a place we have never been to that has just one unit and its not far from home so, why not? Yep, you guessed it, "Marie D...". 10x15, looks just like the last one...messy lots of boxes. Had to buy it. Unfortunately others wanted it too so it was very expensive, $2600! Arrggghhh...An initial inspection has unearthed some gold jewelry (maybe $500's worth), a bag of assorted foreign coins and a few old silver coins, 4 mink jackets, some decent furniture and tons of boxes of books. Not thrilled about the books although the last unit also had tons of books and I did make about $1000 on just books selling them on Amazon. Hoping we find some treasure as we dig deeper.....wish us luck.

Offline Travis

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Re: Bought unit owned by same owner as one from 2 years ago
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2014, 10:22:50 AM »
What are the odds of that happening? Good luck on it!

I've been keeping track of this one lady for years. Her name is Cherie and she has several units at three different storage facilities (all of which are owned by this shady guy who bids on his own units.) The contents of these units are insane; everything from a claw feet bath tub, luxurious furnishings, etc. Based on the description, you could tell that this lady had money! Apparently she owns a chain of strip clubs, so I guess money is no object to her or perhaps she is having financial trouble. She is always late on her units, but she always gets current on her rent right before the auction. Just waiting for the day she slips up.

I've often wondered if Cherie really exists or whether the storage facility owner is just listing all of this expensive merchandise in his legal notice to attract more people to his auctions. 

Re: Bought unit owned by same owner as one from 2 years ago
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 11:13:56 PM »
I also have a unit owner I have been watching for the last year. He is the ex owner of the facility and had three units. When I bought the first one he came and talked to me. He wanted some personals back but couldn't remember if they were in that unit or one of the other two he owned. Some of the personal items he wanted back were guns. They were not in the unit I bought. His other two units (he told me the unit numbers) have come up once but didn't auction. I'm sure he probably got the guns out but the first unit was a very good one so I am hoping the others are just as good.

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Ever had the owner of the unit approach you at the auction?

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