FWIW. the WSJ Reported retail sales have dropped in the last two months.
This recession is far from being over and maybe becase of the length of it, it is finally effecting the second hand sales market. I fear that when the second hand market gets really, really bad we will be in more trouble than we want.
...Fingers Crossed...
Thinking about your post concerning the prospect on the economy and what impact it will have on the second hand sales market I just don't think it will ever disappear for good. In the poorest countries in the world people make thier living selling at vendor markets (like our flea markets). I just think we will probably see a lot of changes in the type of buyers and thier preferences. I think it will just be a matter of paying attention to what people are buying, and what they are willing to spend. We will probably have to be real loose on what we think the value of typical household goods are and kind of go with the flow and let the "market" determine the price of things.
One thing I have learned from people who have lived in Countries with failed or failing economies is when the majority of the population gets scared about the future thay stop buying everything except for essentials; food, drinks, medicine, personal care products. But if sales are slowing at the flea market or yard sale it doesn't necessarily mean that the economy is getting worse, it could mean many people are less fearful about the future so they are going back to Wal-mart or retail stores for their shopping. I also feel that the "picker" popularity is fading so I am seeing less people looking for things they can re-sell. You all might be experiencing this too. As bad as the recession has been I still don't get the feeling that people were turned in mass to the flea markets or yard sales as cool and affordable venues for shopping, I think people have just switched from the higher end stores to Wal-mart, Target, Dollar stores. Maybe the recession wasn't (isn't) bad enough to really push people (in large numbers) into the flea markets.
I know, a bunch of rambling, but we will just have to keep on trucking, track the trends, and do our best.