I agree that multiple cut locks may mean owner has had ample opportunity to remove any valuables but it depends on what the contents of the unit look like. Some packed units seem like there is just no way the owner could have reached anything other than the stuff up front. On those units I would look at the multiple locks as a sign that there could be stuff they really wanted to keep. Otherwise yes I would assume the owners have taken all the goods.
Other signs I look for would be boxes that they had to pay for as opposed to produce boxes they picked up free behind the supermarket. I hate when I see the stolen white post office boxes and the flip top boxes with store names on them (although I do like to use those boxes since they are really strong and stack well when empty). I like small boxes as opposed to large boxes. Bought a unit once with about 6 really large plastic bins. Couldn't wait to get to those bin. Never saw so many stuffed animals in my life. New rule, large bins mean light weight stuff and not too much valuable light weight stuff so I avoid large bins. I look at brand names on things like vacuums and electronics. Dyson good! Dirt Devil, not so good. Clothes and shoes labels, designer brands good! Target and Walmart brands, not so good. I look at mattresses. Decent mattresses that aren't dirty are acceptable (even though they will be most likely taken to the dump anyway) and obviously filthy and shabby mattresses, bad. TV's and computers, newer good, old bad.