Storage Auctions

Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2012, 01:15:11 AM »
...And that thing about Mr. Glendon? Thank you! To be compared too a successful individual like him is quite a compliment. It warms my heart you thought of both of us in this manner.

It would appear that you don't know Glendon's reputation around these parts. He hasn't represented himself very well when jumping onto these boards.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2012, 07:32:02 AM »
It would appear that you don't know Glendon's reputation around these parts. He hasn't represented himself very well when jumping onto these boards.

Glendon may not have a great reputation on this forum, but I can tell you he is a good guy and a wealth of knowledge. I communicate with him regularly (FB friends) and he helps me with questions concerning specific aspects of the "storage auction business" that I can't find on this forum or any other forum.

He knows a great deal about the storage auction industry AND about successfully running a business. His books and videos might be a little rough around the edges for some, but he knows what he is talking about, and he is continually watching the changes in the industry (storage auctions, retail business, legislation and laws, Ebay, PayPal, other leading technologies, products, resources) and keeping us informed.

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2012, 08:31:21 AM »
@Rockin - Just keep this mistake/unit in mind in the future.  Is an expensive mistake but you can learn from it.  First off - don't ever pay/sign another contract like that again.  It hurts and will still piss you off 6 months from now.

@StorMe - not sure who you are man but for someone that just registered 6 days ago you are coming on strong.  Don't know if it's to help gain you clicks on your signature / auction listing page or what.  You may be an old hand at this or talk a good game, not sure which.  I respect Movieman's thoughts, rants, or raves 100x more then yours currently.  We'll see if that changes.

@MovieMan - the post should be in one of the monthly auction scene threads and I think in a response to another thread that month.  Quick story was this was a 10x40 or something drive thru unit in the industrial side of town.  They opened both the front and back doors.  From the door saw plywood / sheetrock on left, rack with nice CD player and some tools on right by door.  Large air compressor, portable air tank, table saw, bamboo dresser, 2 mirrors, a dark walnut color dresser.  On the back side looking in saw an older looking wood chest, bag behind the dresser with "Mack Tools", a large tool box, 2 heaters on wall, a stand w/ propane tank to boil like peanuts or deep-fry a turkey.  This was a silent auction and I had first wrote down $550.  Was first in line so I took a step back and watched the reaction of the crowd.  Saw a few excited faces, whispers, etc. and started to second guess myself.  Marked my bid out and put $875 and won the unit.

The air compressor's engine was blown.  I know what to look for in future.  The portable air tank doesn't hold air.  The saws and table saw both had cords cut on them (got new cords to try and re-wire).  The dresser was particle board and chipped/marked all up - sold for $50.  The bamboo dresser is/was just gorgeous.  However, the left side of it is broken off on the top by about 2 inches and one of the legs is broken.  I've kept it and is my scrap shed holding parts.  The stero and heaters sold.  Tool chest I kept but it didn't have many tools in it after all.  The wood chest - a kid painted the front of it red and green smear but was able to sell it.  Number of smaller things have either sold or went to Goodwill.  I made $100 back in cash, kept a few things, but still call it my $875 mistake.

Lessons learned:
1) don't second guess your gut
2) look for oil and leaks (know what a blown engine looks like)
3) check power cords if can
4) train your eyes

I'm still pissed with myself even today.  It has improved my ability to buy units however.  I'm learning to spot things quickly and still working to train my eyes.  Between myself and buddy now we spot things now that others miss.  Always listen to your gut and don't second guess yourself is the biggie.  If I had done that I'd of lost the unit by $50 (next highest bid was $600).  I turned very conservative in my bidding for weeks there but got back in stride in January.

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Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2012, 10:02:08 AM »
You sound like some kid playing on Facebook or some social network looking to win a popularity contest

If you're as perceptive in the real world as you are here, then I suggest you give up the storage auction routine and stick with your job at McDonald's.

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Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2012, 11:04:34 AM »
Heck Yes! Do you know how much McDonald's management gets paid? EZ Money!

LOL, it just amazes me post after post just what goes right over your head.

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2012, 12:09:10 PM »
Maybe it's me man, I have been in a bad mood of late.  At the registration bit - I agree even if you are new you may be a old hat at this, or not.  My point was to me you just got on here and started to come on very strong like you know everything and the rest of us are amatures.  Even if in fact I know I'm an amature at this.  You have some good post with some good advice.  Then we have the other post that reminds me of the WOW forums.  I just don't want to see this place turn into a flame roast with you vs majority of other posters here.  I love this place as a location we can share stories, ideas, comments, etc.

You had a point about credibility earlier.  The digital world is a double edge sword.  New posters like yourself may not be taken seriously even if you have been doing (insert topic) for 20 years.  The reverse is true.  A new poster can claim he has done whatever for 20 years and talk a good game, when in fact he knows jack.  I'm mostly a skeptic so I lean toward option B by default.  It's the same with post that I see from new people buying their first locker and making 3x and 4x the money on less then $200 spent.  I just read those post with a block of salt.  If true I'm happy for them as they are getting better prices and returns then I'm seeing.

Being in Atlanta area you'll go up against a number of people here (if they are still around) I suspect but not me.  I'm closer to Money's then Atlanta.  I do get up there sometimes for other things but not made it to auctions yet.  If do ever run into you it would be fun.  I've met a few people in the RL, that I first got to know online.  They never look, talk, act like you would picture.  If that ever happens - great.  I've tried to introduce people (even newbies) to this place in my area but have not gotten any bites that I know of.

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #36 on: March 13, 2012, 01:44:48 PM »
Rockin I feel for you and agree that there was something shady going on.

And I don't care what Bore me oh excuse Snore me says  8)

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #37 on: March 13, 2012, 07:57:31 PM »
I have been out of town, WOW, I have missed a lot.

Sorry this has happened to you, Something definateley shady.

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2012, 01:19:19 PM »
With all that asphalt in Atlanta we will melt!!!!!  Hmm - wonder if that will keep the newbies away.  I know there wasn't as many people last summer as now at my auctions.

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Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #39 on: March 14, 2012, 02:43:47 PM »
Consigned or not consigned if I  wouldn't care if I knew I could make my money back on the unit. Yes it diminishes the element of surprise but I'm in it to make money and only bid on what you know you can sell. Other than that its Barry bidding in hopes of finding the pirates gold.
 But Yes your situation sucks. And never go to an auction the day after the tv shows air cause mass people and high insane prices.

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2012, 08:09:29 PM »
watching it now , you made one of glendons videos

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Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2012, 09:17:00 PM »
watching it now , you made one of glendons videos

Watched 2 minutes 50 seconds of it and that was all I could take. During that entire time the screen shot of rockin's first post was on screen, THEN he started reading it. Bye, bye for me.  No way I could make it through the 29 minute video.

Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2012, 10:17:46 PM »
Watched 2 minutes 50 seconds of it and that was all I could take. During that entire time the screen shot of rockin's first post was on screen, THEN he started reading it. Bye, bye for me.  No way I could make it through the 29 minute video.

Well I suffered through the whole thing and bottom line, other than making us sound like fools (yes.....we know the mistake came upon signing the contract) he didn't say much that wasn't true.  Of course he didn't say much that we didn't already know either.

A few corrections and then I'm done with this thread~we had plenty of cash.  We've won a few, we've lost a few.  Plan on continuing to do so.   Again without knowing us or the situation or the facts, it's seems awfully easy for others to judge.

First time I've ever been a part of Youtube video......yawn......

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Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2012, 06:18:47 AM »
Not going to bother with watching like Movieman can't handle much of that.

Rockin what are you going to do with 5 minutes of Fame?  ;) 8) JK

Makes me suspicious of StoreMe I accused of being Glendon and he has not been on here for a day to busy making a video.  ???

Just my opinion.

Glad you have moved on. Think I would still be stewing.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Collusion & Fraud and a grand down the drain?
« Reply #44 on: March 22, 2012, 06:45:47 AM »
Not going to bother with watching like Movieman can't handle much of that.

Rockin what are you going to do with 5 minutes of Fame?  ;) 8) JK

Makes me suspicious of StoreMe I accused of being Glendon and he has not been on here for a day to busy making a video.  ???

Just my opinion.

Glad you have moved on. Think I would still be stewing.

You might want to watch it, you are qouted in the video too!

Don't toss those old Nikes - they might be worth 20 grand!

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