Storage Auctions

Computer recycling for money

Computer recycling for money
« on: September 19, 2013, 08:53:10 PM »
I recently found a CList ad selling computer monitors.  I bought the whole lot of 6 plus a working laptop for $60.

Anyway to make long story short.  He was a computer recycler.  He would go to offices when they upgraded and loaded all the old stuff and took it away to recycle.  He usually tests them all out tries to sell some of the better stuff on CList or Ebay then takes everything to scrap. 

There is a whole industry for this.  He was not very articulate but a really nice guy.  Does anyone have any experience recycling computer stuff.  What I saw online was to take the computer apart, separate the components, and take to a couple of different scrap yards.

Ram and motherboards seem to bring a lot of cash.

Just curious if anyone else does a lot of this.

Re: Computer recycling for money
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 01:51:08 PM »
There's conversations around this topic on here if you look hard enough.

If you're going for the scrap value, it's a lot of work, and if you have the time may be worth it. You'll get some gold and platinum out of them. But that's about it.

If you're going to part them out, you'll find that it's decent money, but you've gotta have the connection to move it more than likely. Computer guys don't typically pay top dollar for used because the technology moves so fast. You can get this year's hot model next year for half the price.

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