Back in October I bought this unit for $25 all it had in it were 16 tires (4 complete sets) but they were completely worn...
I tried listing them on craigslist at $100 a set no one bit
Then I tried listing them for $50 a set still no takers
Next set $25 a set got a couple of calls here one asked for $20 a set and would take all 4 i said ok. NO SHOW. ugh.
Finally I said screw it I'll wait till next year and deal with them....
I go get an oil change for my cargo van at my friends garage and happen to
mention the total PITA these tires are, he asks to take a look and we go take a look he likes them but won't pay so he offered me 70% off all service for my personal car and cargo van for 1 year! Worked for me, that's like money in the bank. I will most certainly come ahead on this deal now.

So moral is don't give up you never know how you're gonna rid yourself of your inventory!
editing changes made in red