Storage Auctions

Damn yall.. its hard out here for a storage pimp

Damn yall.. its hard out here for a storage pimp
« on: July 05, 2012, 04:20:12 PM »
Hows things on ur end. i never seem to have enough for what im lookin for.

and selling fool trying to super low ball u.

its tough atm.

but just got a check i been waitin on so futures lookin eventful

Offline Cobia

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Re: Damn yall.. its hard out here for a storage pimp
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2012, 09:13:04 AM »

THe old adage of sales & re-sales use to be "Buy Low, Sell High!" but now I am starting to here another adage, and not just in the re-sale industry but other industries aswell.

"Buy Low, Sell Low!" This might be the new reality in this country for business, atleast for the forseeable future, especially in the re-sale industry.

Which tells me volume sales is going to be more important now and in the future, especially in our industry.

Don't know what you mean by "never have enough for what im lookin for" I think you will have to elaborate in your own elegant way.  ;)

Re: Damn yall.. its hard out here for a storage pimp
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 01:35:50 PM »
Ya that is certainly true talk. what i mean when i say what im looking for ive kinda built myself up a nitche market so i look for specific items. but my seed moneys been low so the units i want i havent been able to get lately.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Damn yall.. its hard out here for a storage pimp
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 06:24:52 PM »
I'm pretty much just pick'n estate sales right now.
But the up at 5am to put name on list so your the first in sucks.

Kinda cool tho.  "In" with some regulars.  They don't mind me cutting in on them ahead of all "the rest"

One guy said something last week and a couple regulars backed me up.
Told him that I'm not there for anything they would want anyway and if I'm in shop/garage or kitchen I know what they like and grab it for them or go tell them.

They all have shops. Looking for collectbles and furniture and what not.  I'm looking for smalls, tools and vintage kitchen wares.

Re: Damn yall.. its hard out here for a storage pimp
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 09:15:09 PM »
You just have to roll with the times and adapt.  Make connections to help you get the items you need.

Myself - I've teamed up with another auction person that we have become friends.  He has mostly stopped coming to the auctions as he opened a store and does well there.  He has people that call him / bring him stuff to look over and buy.  Myself, I take furniture/other stuff to him to sell 50/50.  He gives me oddball or other items to sale on ebay with 50/50 split after fees.  We both come out winning the majority of the time.

I hit up yard sales if I'm not at the flea on saturday.  I buy stuff for the store in my area.  He shops the sales in his.  We call/text back and forth a bunch on different deals.  So for example I picked up a little tikes picnic table for $5.  We washed it up and it sold not an hour after dropping it off at the store for $12.99.

We try to double profits.  However, if we can make only 25% profit we are ok with that also.  Have flipped stuff just from contacts a few times.  Example: guy has fridge for sale and wanted $100.  Next day a couple comes in wanting a fridge.  Was able to call seller and buying it right then for $100, loading it up and selling it to couple for $170.  Total time invested was 30 mins of work and 4 miles round trip.

Re: Damn yall.. its hard out here for a storage pimp
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2012, 12:15:13 PM »
Ya u gotta get creative sometimes that for sure. got a nice carvan aycyion comin.up on im lookin forward for that

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