Storage Auctions

Do facilities in your area sell the best units toward the end of the auction ?

Offline MovieMan

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Or do they:

1) Sell them at the beginning

2) Just take them in order as they progress through the faciltity

3) Other ?  Is there any other possible order ?

I think all of the facilities in long island got together and decided all the best rooms about 2 years ago ...

Public Storage - I've seen them go in order and I've had the manager say we are going straight to the best room so everyone has enough money to bid (facility run auction)

Extra Space - goes in order - (auctioneer)

Mom and Pops - Usually goes to the best one first, although they usually plant items, stage/create rooms ..etc. so their best is actually usually the first (facility run)

Just about everyone around here goes in some kind of order.. Whether it's planned around the more attractive units or not, I'm not sure.

Always some kind of order around here. Either from one side to the other or back to front. I have never felt like there was a best first or last.

One chain starts at the unit furthest to the back of the property and works their way towards the gate.  A few independents seem to go the other way or jump around a bit.  The ones run by the popular auctioneer in town always have the best unit last.  (or at least what appears from the door to be the best unit.)

Offline dbr831

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Seems like they save the best for last or at least later in the auction but not always.

Yes they do.  Its easy to tell when they already cut the lock.  I like the ones where they cut the lock while  your there.  It's almost like opening a gift.

I think all of the facilities in long island got together and decided all the best rooms about 2 years ago ...

Public Storage - I've seen them go in order and I've had the manager say we are going straight to the best room so everyone has enough money to bid (facility run auction)

Extra Space - goes in order - (auctioneer)

Mom and Pops - Usually goes to the best one first, although they usually plant items, stage/create rooms ..etc. so their best is actually usually the first (facility run)

I havent been out in a while but most of the stuff ive seen here is they start at the bottom floor and move up or at the top floor and move down , ive mostly been to stuff in nassau and queens

What do you do with storage units that don't sell at auction?

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