We have one serious whale (we'll call him EF) and folks just generally groan when he shows up. Everybody knows if he wants it, he gets it. But I have never seen him 'overbid' on a unit. A few folks truly dislike him, but I've found him to be quite pleasant. When Don got that nice unit a couple weeks ago EF wasn't there. He showed up the next day and was talking with Don about it. He said "you know you wouldn't have won it if I was there." Don chuckled and said "Yeah.....I would have. I just would have paid more!"

When I bid on a unit and it is apparent I'm not going to win it, I'm always ecstatic when I hear the 'yeah' from the back of the crowd, as I know who it is and what it represents. I told Don one day that I love it when EF goes on a buying spree. I know that he'll fill his sails and be done, leaving relatively smooth sailing for the remainder of the month~
I also know that there are a number of folks (newbies and looky-loos and one smelly, icky regular

) that I hate to see win units, unless of course it's an obvious bust then I'm thrilled! Nothing will stop 'em more than losing their collective butts a time or two!
I've got certain folks who I am friends with and we have an unspoken (and often spoken for emphasis) rule that when one of us really wants a unit the other will only go so far. It's worked quite well and I'm always happy when they land a unit. A young lady actually beat out EF on an antique unit. He got his bid in just as the auctioneer said sold. I walked up behind him and said 'You're slipping old man!' He chuckled and said he didn't know who had the bid. I told him who won it and that she loves to restore antiques. He said 'well then that's good'.
About a month ago a gal (who has been driving me nuts) bought a unit (that was nothing but trash) and literally shouted "oh honey.....we got our first one!!" Many regulars stated (loudly, but under their breath) 'yeah and you paid way too much for it'. Last week they were out buying up units. Come to find out she told my friend that they still haven't cleaned out the first locker they bought?!?! WTF
Anywho~we're going out to a couple unadvertised auctions today. Hoping to land a unit or two and if not us~I hope it's one of my buddies or EF. Because if the sneaky mousy girl is there and lands another unit........I might just lose my 'nice' title and pop off at her!