Among the regulars I run with we have an agreement to "share" the wealth and not buy every locker we like and can afford.
If you want to take that literally.
By having or making any agreements that effect the final price is collusion and bid rigging just as he said. It is also a felony crime.
We have 4 regulars that like the kind of lockers we like. Person A IMO pays to much for lockers, So when we see him bidding we usually don't bid. If he wants it he is going to buy it. If we do bid against him we stop when it is over what we want to pay for it.
Person B and C don't like furniture but like stuff. If we see them bidding once again we bid to where we are comfortable or not. After auction is over we will either buy what they don't want or help them clean out for what they don't want for free.
Person A and B can buy every locker they see, so if they decide not to buy one is that bid rigging? I don't think so. We have passed on lockers because of the labor / time / and location is to much.
We attended an auction when we first started. 6 people showed up. 3 regulars. One of the regulars told us that they did not bid because we were there. they showed up to keep the bidding real. We bid on every unit. Only got one. And of course the only other person bidding said I let you have that one, which he did because he stopped bidding his pockets a lot deeper than ours. We paid a fair price for it. and the other 4 people could have bid on it. "share" the wealth. He also paid a fair price for the other 3 units he bought.
In this business everyone looking for something different, what they can sell (us falapartical board furniture) Which B and C throw in the trash or burn, we sell. We sell everything so we don't share

So we decide to let them win a locker and buy after, (like we have that kind of control) but really why bid against them when the competition is so hard against the newbies. Whether we bid on a locker or not there is always someone there bidding a way so the only effect of "sharing the wealth " is you are not bidding, does not "effect the final price " hence no collusion.
If only 2 people show up to an auction

and they talk and decide to only bid up to $10 on units, the facility "has the right to refuse any and all bids" in most PN. that would be collusion.