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Do you employ your family members?

Offline Travis

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Do you employ your family members?
« on: July 26, 2014, 01:13:55 PM »
Just wondering if anyone employs their children or other family members to help with aspects of their resale business. If so, what are their responsibilities? 

Re: Do you employ your family members?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2014, 03:21:12 PM »
i have 4 kids, they are a bit young but when my boys are a bit older you KNOW who will be doing the heavy lifting. my wife helps sort. I do the rest.

Re: Do you employ your family members?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2014, 08:59:33 PM »
My daughter (she is 21) works at the store during the week while I work my other job! She is suppose to be posting ads on Craigslist and Facebook while she is there, but it has been like pulling teeth to get her to. She said to me last week she wasnt the only one that can put ad's on, I could too...sure I said, but I am the only one paying the bills, working 2 jobs and buying ALL the product for the store. Its times like that family can be frustrating!!   Although I should note I started this business with my brother in law who quickly became a know it all a$$hole and abruptly left the business after 9 months with the bank account, so I guess I'm doing better now.....  :41:

Offline Travis

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Re: Do you employ your family members?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2014, 09:37:59 PM »
My daughter (she is 21) works at the store during the week while I work my other job! She is suppose to be posting ads on Craigslist and Facebook while she is there, but it has been like pulling teeth to get her to. She said to me last week she wasnt the only one that can put ad's on, I could too...sure I said, but I am the only one paying the bills, working 2 jobs and buying ALL the product for the store. Its times like that family can be frustrating!!   Although I should note I started this business with my brother in law who quickly became a know it all a$$hole and abruptly left the business after 9 months with the bank account, so I guess I'm doing better now.....  :41:

Yeah, it's frustrating when others don't pull their weight. As for the brother in law, you're probably better off without him.

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