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DONT USE FEDEX COD SERVICE - How Fedex Lost Me $7,000

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DONT USE FEDEX COD SERVICE - How Fedex Lost Me $7,000
« on: November 15, 2012, 03:46:02 PM »
I ship a ton of stuff through Fedex. A while back started using Fedex COD where you as the seller send the item and the driver picks up a Cashiers Check before handing over the package.

I had a few smooth transactions and had a buyer make a big purchase of $7,000. I sent the merchandise in two packages splitting it up half nad half and sent them out one day apart. First package Fedex driver in Georgia leaves the package on the doorstep without picking up a check at all.

The second package was already in route before I knew about the first so that's why I got screwed twice buy Fedex incompetence. second package driver picks up a personal check instead of a cashiers check. Not only a personal check but the guys address and info wans't even at the top it was temporary checks.

Put in claims with fedex. Fedex offered me $100 for each package. They claimed they didn't insure the type of item I was shippign. I told them insurnace or not they are not following their own policies regarding their COD service. This went up to the CEO, executive team, investigation dept etc. Still offered the $100 per package. This isn't criminal on the art of the customer in his state so have to go after him in small claims, also suing Fedex as well.

Just wantd to warn you guys not to use fedex cod. One othr problem I and others have had even if everything does go smooth is sometimes with cod since customers have not paid a penny they are not home or are never around to get their package. If htey dont pick up after a certain amount of time the package comes back to you and you're out $30 for cod service and you dont even sell your rpoduct.

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Re: DONT USE FEDEX COD SERVICE - How Fedex Lost Me $7,000
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 04:53:13 PM »
Pardon my bluntness, but you're an idiot for sending $7,000 worth of merchandise COD. I don't care who the shipper is or what kind of reputation they might have. If it's not paid for, never ever ship it out!

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Re: DONT USE FEDEX COD SERVICE - How Fedex Lost Me $7,000
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 05:01:09 PM »
Well, I think the first person to make a mistake on this transaction was you.

That's a lot of A**L beads to lose !  ;)

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Re: DONT USE FEDEX COD SERVICE - How Fedex Lost Me $7,000
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2012, 12:35:38 PM »
Pardon my bluntness, but you're an idiot for sending $7,000 worth of merchandise COD. I don't care who the shipper is or what kind of reputation they might have. If it's not paid for, never ever ship it out!

You really have no idea what I'm sending or the industry I'm in. This is standard practice for the industry and if you're not willing to do it as a seller your going to lose out on business as many people want COD.

Also, I did everything I needed to do, I can't help that Fedex drivers are incompetent. It's not uncommon for my competitors to send upwards of 50k worth of merchandise this way. I was actually advised by my supplier to use it and start offering it as he said he's never had any problems. Now however I just have my supplier handle these larger orders for me and I take a cut albeit a smaller cut but no worries on my side.

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Re: DONT USE FEDEX COD SERVICE - How Fedex Lost Me $7,000
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2012, 12:36:45 PM »
Well, I think the first person to make a mistake on this transaction was you.

That's a lot of A**L beads to lose !  ;)

My mistake was trusting that a large company like Fedex is competent enough to follow their own policies. Fedex COD is meant to be used for products up to 50k in value so in the grand scheme of things this is actually a relatively small transaction. It's still a big hit to take though.

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